Chapter 28

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"Erion, my son." Wynd said calmly. "As your mother, words cannot express how proud I am of my very own son. I knew Rith would raise you into a brave, strong young man."

"Wait - what?!" Tikana exclaimed. "Wynd was Erion's MOM this whole time?!?"

A tear rushed down Erion's face. Suddenly, Erion rushed over to Wynd, and hugged her immediately. He sobbed intensely into her dress. "Why did you leave me?!" Cried Erion, loudly. "Why did you abandon your own son like he's nothing but crap?! You do not know how much sorrow I felt that day! Lonely, abandoned, betrayed by the one I loved the most! Mom, I missed you so much!"

Wynd looked back at Erion and patted his shoulder. "There, there, my child." Wynd said calmly. "Everything's going to be all right..."

"W-What kind of mother deliberately leaves her children out on their own, never to see her again?!" Sniffled Erion, as tears continued to run down his face. "The pain of losing a parent... it's unbearable! I thought I'd never see you again!!"

"W-What's going on?!" Exclaimed Norder.

"I loved you! I loved you more than anything else in the world!" Cried Erion. "And then you just left me like that out of the blue! How could you do that to the one you loved the most! Your own son!"

"Erion, I have always loved you, nor have I forgotten you. There are reasons for what I did, and it pained me just as much as it pained you."

Erion sniffled and panted. "YOU'RE JUST SAYING THAT!" He cried. "A true mother would not treat her very own son like dirt!" Erion ran out of the room, sobbing uncontrollably.

Wynd sighed, and a faint tear rushed down her eye.

"Wait - you're Erion's mother?" Asked Magon.

"It's a small world, isn't it?" Replied Wynd.

"What did you do to cause him so much pain?" Norder asked in a concerning tone.

"The poor lad's out there bawling his eyes out." Added Huffey.

"I-It's a long story." Said Wynd. "But I meant no harm to him at all."

Tikana sniffled. "So you're his mom, huh?" She said under her tears. She walked over to the corner of the room, sat in a ball and began to cry quietly.

"Tikana..." Said Huffey.

"She lost both of her parents when she was young." Informed Norder, sitting on the bed. "I don't blame her for feeling like that."

Wynd looked at Tikana. More tears began to run down her eyes.

"Man..." Frostine commented. "I never expected it to come to this."

"I understand my son completely." Said Wynd. "It's true. I did leave him behind to be taken under the care of Rith. But he seems to have forgotten that I still love him."

"It's sad. I haven't seen the poor lad go through so much pain since we took back the Dragonstone." Stated Huffey.

"We better go back and look for him." Said Norder. "This temple has many rooms, who knows where he might be right now."

"I'll find him on my MagiMap." Said Frostine, taking out her magic mirror. "MagiMap, find Erion!" The mirror showed an outline of the temple, and created a pathway leading to where Erion was. "He's up on the fourth floor. That's the area located at the very top."

"Will he have calmed down by now?" Asked Huffey.

"I don't know..." Breathed Wynd. "Still, we need to find him. We have to head to our next destination as soon as possible."

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