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Hi! I just wanted to say before you start reading, that this is my first ever written fanfiction so please be nice haha. I'm completely open to helpful criticism and ideas if you have any! Also please ignore any grammar mistakes, Enjoy :)


Squirrel and Lancelot had been riding for what felt like hours, only taking breaks for necessities. Not quite certain where the road was leading them, they continued with a uncertainty of what the future could hold. The thought of the red paladins pushing them forward.
Dawn fell, little light was residing the sky. They would have to camp soon. Lancelot could smell the refreshing dew of lake water, voices began to whisper but Lancelot mistook them for the wind and chose that would be the best direction for their unknown journey.


➴Nimue Pov➶

The pain took control of my body, I moved and gasped, suffocating for a breath of air. My vision was blurred and my eyes began to shut, the last thing I remembered I was floating on the water surface, slowly being moved by a white light, we elevated toward the rocks as one, the slight warmth taking over my body as my mind filled with darkness once again.

Lancelot and squirrel approached the lake, coming to a sudden halt when they spotted a figure laying on the shore.
"Nimue!?" Squirrel shouted, urgently sliding off the side of the horse.
"Percival wait," Lancelot whispered.
"Trust me," squirrel said with urgent eyes, backing up then running toward the figure.
Lancelot hesitated but slid of the horse.

Squirrel reached the figure, and gently tried to pull her completely to land.
"Help!" Squirrel cried.
The weeping monk did not move.
"I need help! Please,"
He stepped forward.
He reached squirrel and helped pull the figure to the sandy shore.
"We must go," the weeping monk said to squirrel.
"No..no I..I know her," squirrel urged.
"We have to help,"
Nimue's eyes began to open to the sounds of their words.

➴Nimue Pov➶

My eyes begin to clear, and a face came into view. It was Squirrel! Squirrel was here..he was really here.
"Nimue it's me," he began.
"Squirrel..squirrel my back, you need to remove the arrows," I said through gritted teeth.
"I..I can't," he began.
"Please," I said. Beginning to lose Conscience again. After a pause I felt two sets of hands upon my back. I closed my eyes as the pain filled me.


Hey! If you have any thoughts on part 1 please let me know! Sorry its not very good, the last thing I've wrote was an essay for English a couple months ago haha hope you enjoyed nevertheless.

The weeping monk and the lady of the lakeWhere stories live. Discover now