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The next day, three days left until the end, Five looked around for Delila since she never came down since yesterday when he shouted at her.  He walked up the stairs, carefully applying his weight to the rotting boards.  He looked around upstairs, the walls were scorched, like the rest of the house, like it was set on fire.  The only colours were the browns and blacks of dust and soot.  Five called out for her, but there was no answer.  He decided to go back downstairs to sturdier ground, and that's when he saw Delila's horrified face staring at the cups that Five had used to get himself water from the rusty tap.  She looked at him slowly, and he told her he had to go into town.  She looked away, like she always did when Five said something she didn't like, but Five walked past her and took the car.  The moment he left, Delila took all the cups she could find, and hid them upstairs.  Five would use a different cup each time because the rust would settle to the bottom and would be really hard to get out. 

In town, Five heard that more people have been sent to emergency and the hospital.  Five rubbed a sudden muscle cramp out of his arm, and that is when he noticed his skin was a tinge redder than usual.  He didn't think much of it, since it was a hot day out, it was probably just a sunburn.  Five, once again, returned to the house with no idea on what was causing the world to end, or this recent sickness.  Delila kicked the old box tv as he entered the house, and the news channel came on talking about the mysterious pandemic that was hospitalizing people everywhere.  This was when Five realized that this sickness was the end of humanity.

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