Chapter 9: Forever Yours, Again

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Sitting on his bike smoking a cigarette outside Excelsior Prep, Jax couldn't believe what he was doing. He had been more than just a little distracted all morning as he chewed over what Bobby's boy Aaron had told him before leaving the Clubhouse for school with Jessie. Jax didn't know what was worse—him second-guessing himself or the fact that his Club Brothers were giving him shit for obsessing over a bunch of hormonal and pimply-faced teenagers. Yet, here he was, sitting on his bike waiting for school to let out so he could see with his own eyes his old lady's new fan club.

According to Aaron, Jessie had a fan base of epic proportions at school. Since starting her job running a Math Lab for the testosterone-filled jocks, whose failing grades were threatening to end Excelsior Prep's legendary sports program, other nerdy and preppie students had been lining up for the privilege of getting into one of Jessie's Labs. Teaching four 90-minute Math Labs a day, Miss Morrow's class was the hottest ticket at Excelsior. With space severely limited, a maximum capacity of only twenty students allowed per lab, most students, especially the ones not in danger of failing, were getting turned away.

Aaron said that Jessie was officially the "hottest teacher in school." Unfortunately, Aaron didn't see fit to stop there.

"I don't see how most of those jocks are gonna pass any state test. Most are only interested in scoring with Jessie." Aaron smirked, unknowingly signing the death warrant of any punk bold enough to make a move on the new teacher. Seeing the murderous gleam in Jax's eyes, Bobby slapped his son on the back of his head.

Deep down, Jax knew that he really had nothing to worry about. His old lady went out of her way to make her love for him known. With Jax doing his part to keep Jessie flexible, she had no need to go looking for dick any place else because she had all she could handle with him. However, being apart from Jessie for so long and his recent stretch in Chino had done a number on him. Never one to suffer from self-esteem issues, his lack of confidence manifested itself in making him a tad bit possessive. If Jax was honest with himself, he would admit to being just this side shy of obsessed. Sitting on his bike with his most menacing Grrr-face on, it finally dawned on Jax that he may have slipped over the border and completely into Stalker Town.

It was taking him a minute to compartmentalize and stifle his insecurities. Only another man, a brother, could understand how difficult it was to be supportive of an old lady that had proven herself capable enough not to need him for shit, except for some regular lovin'. And as gorgeous as Jessie was, she didn't need him for that either 'cause she could certainly have her choice of men.

Time traveling in his head and remembering just how hot Jessie had been as a teenager in her little school girl uniform didn't help matters either. As an adult woman in her mid-twenties, Jessie was something else altogether. She was the kind of woman that caught your eye with her beauty, but kept your attention with her brain.


Jax rubbed his face with both hands in frustration. Instead of sitting here, stewing over some horny teenagers, he really needed to find a way to settle the score with Hale. Between handling his VP duties on behalf of the Club, dealing with his divorce, and house hunting with his old lady, Jax still hadn't found the opportunity to confront Hale about his ongoing interest in Jessie.

But nah. Here I am, making sure that there is no doubt in the minds of Jessie's young students that she is the property of one Jax Teller. In hindsight, I should have put that damn crow tat on her forehead.

Jax's thoughts were diverted for a moment, however, when he realized that the number of students currently parading up and down the sidewalk had increased significantly. He grinned as he noted that the very young and nubile females of Excelsior Prep were putting themselves on display just for him, which was a complete waste of time. None of them could hold a candle to Jessie, back in the day at their age or now.

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