Chapter 23

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"Hey babe." Ashton shouted.
Phoebe turned around fast just to bump into a hard wall. "Ouch."
"What did I hurt you sorry it's all muscle."
"Haha very funny."
"You ok you seem upset."
"Nah just hungry."
"Eat a snickers, your not yourself when you hungry."
"Shut up."
"Look the food courts right there lets go eat."
"Ok but you paying."
"Fine with me what do you want."
"Ok ok calm down."
They walked over to subway and waited in line. Phoebe was first to be surved.
"Hey chase." Phoebe greeted the guy serving.
Chase was a friend of Phoebes and they caught bus together and knew each other from primary school. All up in and average school day the spent about an hour together.
"Hey Phebes what do you want."
"Meatball on Italian herb."
"Nice choice, what cheese."
"Do you want it grilled?"
"Yes thanks."
Phoebe looks over the salads choosing what she wanted on he Sub. The beeping of the griller caught her attention.
"Ok salads."
"Umm I will have lettuce, tomato, onion and carrot thanks."
"Ok now what sauce."
"Umm that one." Phoebe responded by pointing to a random one."
"It that all today."
"Nah Ashton is paying ask him."
"Austin is that all today." Chase asked sweetly."
"Yer thanks." Ashton responded with an amazing smile.
"Here don't tell anyone but I will throw these in as a bonus."
"Thanks chase." Phoebe thanked.
"It's ok."
"See you at school."
"See ya."
They walked away to find a table.
"Hey do you want a boost?" Austin asked.
"Yer can I get a pineapple, apple and mango juice thanks babe."
"No problem."
Austin walked away to get the juices. Phoebe didn't wait for him to come back to start eating she was to hungry.
I have the best boyfriend. from a friend to boyfriend. It's funny how things work out like that. Love is a crazy like that. Wait did I just say I love Ashton. Oh god I have to tell him but how.
"Here babe."
"You started with out me."
"Hey I'm hungry don't judge."
"Oh I'm not."
They were silent for a while no one spoke just silently eating.
"I love you." Phoebe said it with out even thinking.
"I love you too babe."

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