Chapter 9

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The next day they were all at school and on the bus for camp by 7:30 it was a massive drain on everyone's bodies and yet the busses were so loud with everyone being excited about camp. Phoebes phone buzzed in her hand. She looked at it and it was a message from Levi. 'Hey sorry to do this to you right now but I'm breaking up with you I know it's not perfect timing but my heart is just saying it's not right and I see you with other boys and I know that you will have a better relationship with them than what I can give you we are a year apart and I know I'm repeating but that doesn't help the fact that I won't get the grades I want again I'm not blaming you for that it's just that I need less distractions not that you will be one I just need to clear my mind and focus on school that's all and I think you will have a better relationship with someone else sorry I really am.' She almost started crying but she didn't want to cry in front of all her friends.

"Hey what's up you seem sad?" Asked Savannah

"Levi just broke up with me." She said in disbelieve.

"Oh, don't worry we will find you a new boyfriend by the end of next week "

"Ok but don't get to involved alright."

"Alright, promise."

The bus trip was long and tiring but they got there eventually and everyone was happy to unpack and set up camp. On over the next day they found out what groups they were in and Phoebe and Savannah were in the same group. In free time they went swimming. They were the first ones in the water along with Alison and Aria. Once they were in and swimming around a group of boys came and joined. The group of boys contained on boy that Phoebe thought was attractive. Ashton Waters was a tall boy with brown shaggy hair and blue eyes. Phoebe told Savannah that she thought Ashton was cute.

Camp was long and really fun but it was great to get back to school and normal life. Phoebe had lots of fun flirting with Ashton and some other boys. Phoebe had maths and food tec with Ashton. Throughout the next week Ashton started talking to Phoebe now and sat near her in either of those classes. During lunch on Monday Ashton was doing his maths homework which was due straight after lunch.

"Hey Phoebe have you done your homework for maths?" He asked

"Yer why?"

"Can you help me?"

"Yer sure."

They sat there for half of lunch doing maths. Shortly after the half time bell went he asked her if she would like to walk with him. Of course she agreed she would agree to any (cute) boy asking for quality time with her.

"I heard that just before we left for camp you boyfriend dumped you over text that's slack and in a time like this."

"Her I know."

"He should have stayed with you a little longer."

"But then he wouldn't be in it properly."

"True though he should have done it in person, sorry I shouldn't be doing this to you."

"No no it's fine it's nice to hear a guys opinion about these sort of situations and it's nice to just talk to someone else who doesn't know everything about me for a change."

"It's nice talking to a girl for once no girl has actually had a full conversation without them asking me out within the first five minutes."

"Well I would never ask a guy out without getting to know them first."

"You know if you ever wanna... Nah don't worry it's too soon."

In maths he kept smiling at her. The next day while she was at her locker changing her books at recess Ashton walked up to her and leaned on the lockers.

"Hey." Said Ashton.

She jumped. "Oh hey."

"People keep asking me if we are going out."

"Really and what are you going to do about that?" She said as she locked her locker and leaned against it.

"Well I was going to do this." His lips crashed into hers and he was strong. His arms wrapped around her waist and he pushed her up against the lockers. Her brain had just lost what ever job it was meant to have because she could think about was that ASHTON WATERS WAS KISSING HER. He pulled away slowly and she opened her eyes.

"So that was my solution what about you?"

" could have just asked but that was fine."

"Oh well um I'm guessing that it's a problem solved."

"Yep problem solved."

As they walked around the corner he held her hand and Savannah looked over and saw what was going on. She screamed so loud the everyone in a 20 metre radius could hear it.


"It only happened moments ago but please girl you screaming like that will make me deaf by next year."

"Sorry, tell me every detail."

"Ok so he walked up to be and said that people were thinking that we were going out and then I asked him what he was going to do about it then he kissed me that's about it really."


They sat down together. While they were joining in the conversations that were going on he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in. She moved in closer and snuggled into him. Savannah started nudging the others and secretly passing on the message to them telling them to look at Phoebe and Ashton. They were having a little conversation between themselves, smiling and looking into each others eyes. The bell went and everyone headed off to maths. As Phoebe and Ashton arrived at maths and their teacher told them that they now had a seating plan in place but it was to their luck. They were in the back row in this order: Mason, Ashton, Phoebe and Diana. They loved the seating plan because it was permanent.

Little did Phoebe know that all her friends and family were planing a surprise birthday party for her this Friday.


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