Chapter 10

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~||Narrator's PoV||~

"What do you MEAN A SIGN?!" Yashiro screamed, tears welling up in her eyes. 

Hanako waved his hands in front of her frantically, "No, it's okay Yashiro, I'll make sure you go to a good place when you die-"

"Stop saying it like I'm gonna' die!" [Y]

"Everyone stop!" Teru, Kou's older and more mature brother came and forcefully slapped Hanako's face.

"What was that for?!" Hanako whined and pouted while rubbing his cheek. 

"Nothing, just that you're short, chibi-chan." [T]

Teru felt an urgent pat on his arm. "Hey, ni-chan! Try to make her not die, at least?" Kou shook Teru's arm. 

"Ha, there's no way to change fate," Teru waved his arm playfully. "It's like-"

Out of literally nowhere, Tsukasa, Hanako's younger brother, jumped out of a thick black smoke towards Yashiro, tugging her collar forcefully, making her gasp for breath. She clinged on for life just as tightly as she did Tsukasa's wrists, hopping to tug free from his grasp. But she's seen him defeat No. 3 in his own boundary, so there was no light for hope.

"Tsukasa," Hanako mumbled, just loud enough for Tsukasa to hear his faint whimper. His brother turned to face him, away from Yashiro, who was pinned to the wall (dont make this more sexual than it is). "Don't make her DIE LIKE THIS!" Hanako lunged forward with is knife glinting, but Tsukasa swiftly dodged the blow, a smirk widening across his face. 

"Aww.. I just wanted to have you to myself..." tsukasa whined, then the blood splattered.


From future Author-chan:

Tysm for 1.1k reads and this has definitely encouraged me to write a new fanfiction. You guys can comment on this to recommend to me what to write next! (depending if i watch it because I'm still a minor weeb here).

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