Chapter Sixteen (Rose)

Start from the beginning

Rose had to agree, however extreme Roxanne's protocols may be. James and Fred were relentless when it came to pranks, and the two girls were usually at the top of their list when they didn't get enough satisfaction pranking the unsuspecting First Years. Rose made a mental note to watch her back. They'd be after revenge, no doubt, no matter what they said about being even.

"What time is it?" Roxanne yawned as she bent to pick up her fallen pencil.

Rose handed her the tricks book she was still holding. "It's bedtime, that's what it is."

"How was patrol?" Her cousin smirked. "And Malfoy?"

"Fine and, surprisingly, fine," Rose admitted. "Although I did have a run-in with my new Number One fan!"

"I would ask for the story right now," Roxanne said as they trudged up the stairs to the girls' dormitory. "But we both know Lily will just make you retell it at breakfast."

Rose laughed, knowing that was true. The girls went to bed as quietly as they could, and Rose was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

The next morning, Rose walked like a zombie from breakfast to Potions. Lily had talked her ear off the whole hour about Merlin knows what. Rose was too tired to pay attention, nevermind hold a conversation.

She had only seen Albus once so far. He had been heading towards the Gryffindor table when he caught sight of Rose. She had sleepily narrowed her eyes at him, warning him silently that if he even attempted to speak with her that morning she would hex him into the New Year. He had visibly sighed, before changing course to sit with his friends. Rose was in no mind to hear his apologies again; she knew she would probably just forgive him again to get it over with.

Rose wanted to make him suffer before she did that. He deserved it. He really was meant for Slytherin—a snake.

When Rose reached her Potions class—which she knew her cousin would already be inside of—she was instead greeted by Malfoy.

He was leaning against the wall beside the door, eyes trained on his black shoes that had seen better days. He had his hands stuffed in the pockets of his black trousers and his Slytherin tie was knotted loosely around his neck. One side of his shirt was untucked, poking out from underneath his black jumper. His green-accented robes hung from his body, the right shoulder of his jumper exposed from where his robe pooled halfway down his arm.

He kicked off the wall when Rose approached him. His bright eyes glinted and he sported a grin that was far too happy for that time of the morning. "Tired are we, Rosie? I hope I didn't keep you up too late last night."

The group of Hufflepuff girls that were passing gasped at his comment, their eyes wide with untold gossip. Rose immediately glared at Malfoy.

"Very funny," she snapped. "If there's a rumour going around by the end of today, I know where to find you."

Malfoy snickered. "And if people start dropping dead then I know where to find you."

Rose rolled her eyes and walked past him to enter the classroom.

Malfoy sidled in front of the door before she could make it through. He ran a hand through his already messy blonde hair. Rose forced her eyes away.

"I just thought I should let you know," he started quietly. "Al is on a warpath to get you to forgive him today."

Rose was shocked. Not about Albus, but at the fact that Malfoy was warning her. Wasn't he supposed to be on Al's side? Yes, they were friends now, too. But Scorpius and Albus were best friends, as this year would have it.

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