"What could that be..?" He said sounding in an angry shock.

"Hes engaged, has been since before he vanished." He said and I was pulled out in front of them, making eye contact with Shermie.

"H-Hello," I said and felt Ford grab my shoulders.

"The nerds the ones that got a girl?" He said and Stanley rolled his eyes. "So your all here for the kids?" He said and we nodded.

"And you," I said and he looked at me, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside away from the boys, but they followed in.

"So what's your name?"

"Y/N," I said and he hummed.

"You're marrying Stanford?" He asked and I nodded, that was when I heard my name being called.

"Y/N!!" I looked seeing Mabel and Dipper.

"Kiddos!" I yelled getting on my knees and they jumped into my arms. I stood up holding them, Ford and Stanley stood next to us and hugged the kids with me. Shermie hummed and they jumped down I heard waddles oink next to me and I bent down petting him I looked around and then I walked to a picture, and I was a picture of the teen twins.


I sat at the table with him when I saw a picture slip from Ford's hanging jacket, I stood up and walked over, picking it up and seeing two identical boys, that looked exactly like Ford, one had the glasses, obviously Fordy. I hummed and heard him walking towards the room, I turned and held the picture up. "You didn't tell me you had a brother?" I asked and he tensed seeing the photo. "Thats- that along-

-Long story." Stanley said looking at me, his eyes tired and his body in the tank top muscular, and bigger than me.

"Not a long story, Ford already told me. But what happened." I asked.

"So you know about the science fair.?" He asked and I nodded. "So I broke the machine, but it was purely an accident. I slammed my hand on the table, it combusted, and now that I think of it, how was it that amazing if it broke immediately?? But I got scared, and thought I fixed it, but I didn't... you know the rest." He said and I hummed.

"So it was a huge misunderstanding.?" I asked and he nodded, he reached over and gently stroked my cheek, and I grabbed his forearm and leaned into it.

I looked to my side seeing Stanley laughing with his brothers, I looked down, and touched my cheek, so odd, it was almost like it was loving. This memory was nice, Stanley was nice, and as I looked at saw a glimpse of what he was like. I walked over and when outside, I looked up and stared up at the sky, when I heard the door open, and I expected Ford but it was Stanley. He stood next to me and before he spoke I asked. "Were you always that gentle with me?" I asked and he looked at me surprised, I turned and gently ran my hand against his slightly stubbled cheek, his eyes were wide and let out a soft exhale. "The first time we talked about your past, you touched me like this, your arm, muscular, strong, hand bigger than me." I giggled and he reached up grabbed my hand and pulled it away. He reached up and stroked my cheek but pulled away quickly, and pulled out a cigarette, and put it in my mouth, he patted himself, but I held a lighter up and lit it, he looked at me and I pulled away when it was lit, he hummed and I looked off to the distance. "What do you want for Christmas?" I asked and he looked at me.

"You do remember." He said and I hummed.

"Then give me something! I can't remember if you don't even help." I said and he looked at me, he looked down rubbing his chin and he turned back to me. He walked towards me and flicked the cigarette away, his arm shoved themselves under mine and lifted me into a passionate hug. I gasped and laughed awkwardly. I felt this feeling seep into my chest. I hugged him back, it's the first time he'd even touched me since I woke up in the woods. I looked behind him and heard him whisper...


"It'll be okay," Stanley said as I sighed.

"How do you know that Stanley? It's been nearly 9 years and we're nowhere close. I can't even get the other journals because Ford hid them." I growled and he pulled back and rubbed my head.

"We'll find them." He sighed and I turned walking away, I walked up the stairs and closed the door mumbling.


"Whenever you look at me I think of him." I slammed my hand into my mouth and he looked at me almost offended. He rubbed his face and turned walking to the door. "Stanley wait, not, I didn't mean that... I just remembered something." I said and he hummed walking inside. "S-Stanley!" I groaned and the door closed, I turned and looked forward, and I sighed walking down the driveway, and the road.


What was the point? She didn't remember because I can't do what will make her remember, and even if I did, I'd be breaking an unwritten rule between Ford and me. I felt a hand on my arm and I looked seeing Ford. "Where's Y/N?" He asked.

"Outside." I pulled away and walked into the living room, but that was when he walked back in.

"Uh everyone, I'll be back, Y/Ns gone," Ford said and I looked down feeling bad. I turned and followed him.

"Ford! Can- Can I come?" I asked and he looked at me and nodded.

"Alright? Do you know where she went?"

"No, but if you go that way and I go this way we can get more ground, she couldn't have made it far."


I nodded and started walking down the road, I looked around and soon saw her. She was standing at a bridge looking down at the lake at the bottom, I walked over and she looked up startled. "O-Oh. It's you." She mumbled and I nodded standing next to her.

"What's wrong? Why did you leave?" I asked her, she was humming and rubbing her hands back and forth.

"Stan." She said and I titled my head. "I kinda.. said something that came back in a memory and it hurt his feelings." She sighed...

"What did you say?"

"Every time I look at you I think of him." She hummed looking away. "It was something I said in 1990 when he was trying to comfort me and he hugged me. I just want to remember but it's getting so frustrating, he isn't giving me anything." She huffed and I looked down.

"Hey, if you hold up for the rest of the trip, I promise I'll talk to him and see what the hell is his problem," I said and she looked at me hopefully.

"You will?"

"Of course." I smiled and she leaned over kissing my lips. I moved and gently pinned her to the railing and we kissed deeply.

30 Years Late. | Stanford PinesWhere stories live. Discover now