"supreme leader? you just confirmed it loser! but, holy smokes! congratulations kylo. actually, i take that back....for now. i will continue to be friends with whoever i choose."

you got kylo there. he did just accidentally admit that what people were saying was true. "you might just want to take that back missy."

"what is that suppose to mean?"

"you dont want to know."

"is that a threat or something? i dont have time for this. i got your message kylo, you can go away now."

even though kylo was planning on leaving, you ordering him to made him even more mad. he decided he wanted to be a bit...petty today. it wasnt like he was in any rush for the day.


"what is up with you man? whatever, im going to go back to sleep. im tired as heck and your loud ass just had to wake me up!"

"go ahead."

you slipped back into your bed and started drifting off to sleep. it felt like somebody was watching you, so you peaked an eye open and saw kylo staring at you.

"kylo, what do you want? this is just creepy. i knew you were a creep!"

"i told you...im not leaving."

"fine. since you are in here, i might as well talk to you." you grinned. you knew that this would make him want to go away. you as well felt like being petty.

"on second thought, i think i am going to go."

"get your butt back over here and sit down! right now!"

kylo attempts to make a run for it, but you snatch his hand and try to pull him over to your bed.

"you weigh as much as a bantha!" you said as you tried dragging him.

"oh shut up crapface!"

you somehow got him over to your bed and he sat down on the opposite side as you.

"so, why did you do it? you know...kill him?"

this relieved kylo the slightest bit. at least you didnt know why he did such a thing.

"that is none of your buisness. what did your little friends, that i might add are not your friends anymore because i say so, say?"

"see, that is where you are wrong. this is my buisness because i made it my buisness. also, you kind of brought it up yourself dummy."

"shut it weirdo. you never answered my question though."

"why are you so concerned what they said? are you afraid that they leaked some personal info? oooo are you scared? is the supreme leader sc-"

"stop right there before i make you pay. answer the question. now."

"gosh dang. somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. if you must know, all they told me is that people were saying that you killed the snoke and took his place. i honestly didn't believe it because i didnt think you had the guts, but clearly what they said is true. so, good job!" you went in for a high five. he high fived you back with a puzzled look.

"what is it kylo? why do you look so disoriented?"

"uh...i dont know, you just high fived me for killing my master. most people wouldn't even want to touch me right now after figuring out that i literally murdered a man."

"i guess im not most people then. i didnt really know that hideous man that well of course, but i could tell that whatever you did to him...he deserved it."

"see? a normal person would not have just said that."

"says the man that killed somebody! lets just keep it at that maybe, we both arent the most...how can i say this-"

"straight in the head?" kylo finished your sentence when you started to struggle a bit.

"yes! that is a perfect way to put it."

"you sound crazy y/n."

"maybe i am." you winked. "but, you never answered my question. why did you do it?"

"actually i did answer. i said it was none of your business."

"fine. whatever." you sighed. you wanted to know what was the cause of his actions, but you didnt feel like bugging him anymore. "so, how does it feel to be practically on top of the galaxy?"

"it feels okay."

"okay? yeah, we are definitely both crazy."

"i mean...it feels the same. in a sense, it is just like being a commander but with more responsibilities." kylo shrugged.

"i guess you are right. but how would i know? im just a simple custodian." you placed a hand on your heart. both you and kylo bursted into laughter.

"you chose to be that you know. i didnt force you to become one." kylo said to you.

"you're right. i de-" just as you were starting to speak your thought, the door bursted open and in walked a man with red hair.

"supreme leader, we need you to attend an emergency mee-"

"who are you? and why does your hair look like a carrot?" you interrupted.

"excuse me? who do you think you are talking to? i am higher ranking than you a-"

"is that all you people care about? rankings? jeez...anyways, you didnt answer me."

"not that i have to answer to you, but i am general hux."

"cool. i am y/n. but, you didnt answer my other question...why does your hair look like a carrot?"

kylo was trying to hold back his laughter. seeing you talk to hux like this made him want to collapse onto the floor in laughter. kylo hated hux, but...he had to work with him.

"kylo? do you have something you want to say?" hux turned his attention over to ren because he saw him trying to steady his breathing.

"no. nothing."

"hello? huxy- yoohoo!" you tried grabbing the red-heads recognition.

"did you just call me huxy? i dont know who you think you are, but you are never to speak to me like how you are right now ever again."

"what are you going to do about it? throw carrots at me? like i said, you never answered the carrot question." you rolled your eyes. you were trying hard not to laugh just like how kylo was.

"why would i answer such a foolish question? also, i have more power than you think y/n."

"oh my stars! i am so scared right now! you know what, i like you huxy. i think we could be good friends." you smiled over to him.

"absolutely not. i want you to be as far away from me as possible."

"take that back! that seriously hurt my little feelings hux." you joked around.

"why are you even in this childish girls roo-" hux started to ask kylo.

"you are to not question my actions. now, shall be head to whatever meeting you want me to go to?" kylo said with an annoying tone.

they started walking to the door before you called out, "bye!". hux didnt even acknowledge you, but kylo turned his head to face you and gave you a nod. with that, they left you in your room all alone. you were still a bit tired, so you decided to try and head back to bed for the 2nd time today. you were thankfully successful this time, and slept for another 3 hours.


authors note

i decided to finally formally introduce huxy! this chapter wasnt a real eventful one, but trust me....they are definitely coming soon!


broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now