Ch. 5 You two are special like your Mother

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Many hours later, the Dursley, Potter twins, and Pierce safely leave the Zoo and arrived at the Dursley's residence. Petunia, Esmeralda, and Harry got out of the car while Vernon and Dudley took Pierce home.  

" Aunt Petunia. Am I getting in trouble?" Harry asked, sounding nervous. 

" I was only protecting Esme because those punks were bullying her," Harry honestly tells Petunia as he follows her and Esmeralda into the house.  

" No. You are not getting in trouble. But. Can you tell me what exactly do you remember happening?" Petunia curiously asked Harry as Esmeralda closed and locked the door.  

" I saw one of the boys pushed Esme, and she fell. When I went to her side, she looked like she was in pain, which made me mad. I imagined those punks falling into the snake's home. So, I was surprised when the glass disappeared, and they fell in. But. When you asked what happened, I panic and the glass reappeared," Harry explains to Petunia.  

" Not only that. Before the glass reappeared, the snake came out, and it approached me. What's weird, I could hear its voice. It said thank you for saving it," Esmeralda explains to Petunia, feeling scared. 

" Am I going crazy now, Aunt Petunia?" Esmeralda asked, sounding nervous. 

" I don't want my Therapist sending me to an asylum," Esmeralda starts to cry.  

Esmeralda begins to pace back and forth, feeling stressed out since the straight black-haired female thinks she has more mental issues and feels as though her Therapist would send her off to a scary place, and she won't see her family anymore.  

Harry frowned, not liking seeing Esmeralda stressed out.  

Harry stopped Esmeralda from pacing, and he protectively hugs her.  

" I am not going to let my sister get taken," Harry firmly responded, feeling protective of his older sister.  

" No one is getting taken," Petunia reassured the Potter twins.  

" And you are not going crazy, Esmeralda. There is a reason why you keep having those nightmares and probably why you could understand that snake," Petunia calmly responded to Esmeralda.  

Esmeralda curiously stared at Petunia as she leans against Harry. 

" There is a reason?" Esmeralda asked, sounding hopeful. 

Harry curiously stared at Petunia.  

" Yes. You two go sit down while I grab something from the attic," Petunia politely tells the Potter twins.  

Harry politely nods his head as he walks with Esmeralda into the living room, and they sat down next to each other on the couch.  

Esmeralda hugs Harry's arm as she patiently yet nervously waits for Petunia to return.  

" Maybe I am not crazy after all, like what my classmates always say about me behind my back," Esmeralda softly responded to Harry.  

" You were never crazy, Esme. Our classmates always said that to make you feel terrible since they were jealous that you are prettier and smarter than them," Harry gently rubbed Esmeralda's hand with his.  

Esmeralda softly smiled, feeling appreciated.  

Many minutes later, Petunia returns to the living room from upstairs. What sparked the Potter twins' interest is when they see that their Aunt is carrying a trunk.  

" Esmeralda. Harry. This trunk once belonged to your Mother," Petunia informed the Potter twins.  

Esmeralda and Harry's eyes widened in surprise when they hear that Petunia has something that once belonged to their Mother.  

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