Ch. 3 What animals are you excited to see

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Esmeralda walks down the stairs to the living room, and she turns to see Petunia making breakfast in the kitchen. The straight black-haired female enters the room as she goes to stand next to the older short black-haired female. 

" Aunt Petunia. Do you need help with anything?" Esmeralda politely asked Petunia.  

Petunia turns her gaze to Esmeralda.  

" Can you set the dining table up for me?" Petunia politely asked Esmeralda.  

" Okay!" Esmeralda happily responded as she grabs clean plates, forks, and spoons as she walks out of the kitchen and into the dining room.  

Esmeralda hummed as she sets up the dining table. The straight black-haired female blinks when she hears footsteps walking down the stairs. The young female lifts her head, and she turns her gaze to the left, seeing Vernon entering the living room.  

" Good Morning, Uncle Vernon," Esmeralda politely greets Vernon.  

Vernon softly smiled when he sees Esmeralda.  

" Morning, Esme," Vernon greets Esmeralda as he gently pats her shoulder.  

" Ah! Vernon! Breakfast is almost ready," Petunia informed Vernon.  

" Okay. I am going to get the newspaper," Vernon responded.  

" It's okay, Uncle Vernon. Let me get it for you," Esmeralda kindly smiled as Vernon nods his head.  

Esmeralda jogs through the living room as she stands in front of the door. The straight black-haired female opens the door as she steps out of her house.  

' The weather seems nice,' Esmeralda tells herself as she lifts her head to stare at the sky while she walks towards the mailbox.  

" Ah! Young Esme. Good morning," A female voice calls out to Esmeralda. 

Esmeralda stops walking, and she looks forward, seeing her neighbor, an older female named Arabella Doreen Figg, sitting on a porch with some cats nuzzling against her feet. 

" Good morning, Ms. Figg. How are you and the cats doing?" Esmeralda politely asked the older female. 

" We are doing well. I heard that today is your cousin's Birthday. Tell him. I said, 'Happy Birthday," Ms. Figg kindly smiled at Esmeralda. 

" Will do," Esmeralda politely nods her head as she opens the mailbox, and she grabs the newspaper. 

" Ah! I also remembered that your Birthday is coming up. Are you excited to be eleven?" Ms. Figg curiously asked Esmeralda. 

Esmeralda didn't respond to Ms. Figg as she politely nods her head. The straight black-haired female waves goodbye as she turns around, and she quickly gets inside her house.  

" Ah, Dudley! Ms. Figg says Happy Birthday," Esmeralda informed Dudley when she sees him walking down the stairs with Harry following behind him.  

" Cool," Dudley smiles as he enters the living room, and he walks towards his parents.  

Harry goes to stand next to Esmeralda as he glanced at Ms. Figg, who is staring at him with excitement. The curly black-haired male quickly looks away as his older sister closed and locked the door.  

" I don't know why you like talking to Ms. Figg. I always found her weird," Harry honestly tells Esmeralda.  

" Harry. Be nice. Ms. Figg is our neighbor and an elderly lady," Esmeralda reminds Harry. " And besides. She probably sees us as her grandkids or something since she has no family from what I heard Aunt Petunia telling the other ladies during her book club," The straight black-haired female tells the curly black-haired male.  

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