"Let's go," she called. "Connor's the oldest, he should drive."

Now didn't seem like the time to tell them he had no clue how to drive, but he closed the driver door and put the car into gear, he did his best to rumble down the road with as little trouble as possible. How did Lielle who was only a year older than him know this and he didn't?

With much fidgeting and plenty of nerve wracking turns, they finally got to the exit on the highway that read Moab, and followed Cassidy's directions from there.

* * * * *

Moab was a small town with a marketplace that was only a short drive away. It had run down flats, some older than others.

"Stop," Cassidy alerted him.

They pulled up in front of one of the modern homes with a newer feel to it, not more than a year or two old. Cassidy approached the house with long strides and pounded on the door. It flew open and the boy whom answered turned around.

"Cassidy," he grumbled. "What? What do you want, girl?" he spat.

"Please help us," she cried. "Wolf attack in the next town over. You know I'm not capable of healing her. She'll bleed out. Don't do this for me, do this for the special souls of this generation or whatever you said. Do this for your mother," she sobbed.

He grunted and peered around the door revealing his disheveled black hair. "Come in, then," and he retreated leaving Connor and Evie to carry Lielle in after him.

"I'm Daniel Jenow. Lay her on the table and tell me what happened and how you defeated the wolves."

Evie stared at Connor and he felt Cassidy's eyes on the back of his head as well. With a deep breath he began to explain the whole story, forcing out the part about his supernatural shapeshifting abilities.

With a curt nod he lay his hands on Lielle's wounds and they began to close on their own. Connor and Evie gaped at the sight.

Lielle unsteadily began to rise and upon seeing Connor she nodded, accepting that what she saw was not fake and was, in fact, not completely freaky.

"Sit," Daniel ordered. "I'll make tea."

Once they were all seated Daniel began to talk once more.

"I owe you an explanation. Everyone like us eventually comes here. I am the healer of memory and wounds, a common ability that is passed on to the eldest of each generation, the wisest. We call ourselves Thunderthrillers-

"W-wait, what?!" Evie stuttered.

Cassidy stared, looking bored. "He'll explain, just don't interrupt."

"Yes, thank you, Cassidy. Thunderthrillers is the name that the first of us gave ourselves, after the most powerful of us, Art Thunder."

Lielle tensed and Daniel reacted by saying, "Yes, Lielle, you are familiar with him, aren't you?"

"He was my great-great-grandfather or something." She choked up, "My mother spoke about him a lot."

"Ah, yes. Your family is prideful, targeted for a mistake from the time of World War I. How are your parents?"

"Um, dead," and Lielle went silent.

Daniel stared gravely and then continued, "Yes, well, Art Thunder was one of the fifteen affected by the messed up chemical warfare in the times of World War I. This type of chemical managed to mutate a range of cells that bestowed these fifteen with new abilities. These abilities are as follows; healing, shapeshifting, telekinesis, mind control, speed, flying, strength, invisibility, enhanced senses, teleportation, stretching, intangibility, force fields, power absorption and elemental control. These are passed on from generation to generation to any offspring of a Thunderthriller.

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