Chapter 9~I forgot to tell you..

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You give a nervous laugh and rub the back of your neck.

"Yeah sorry...I forgot to tell you."

The red-headed male stands there in shock, mouth hanging open. While your dad stands there with his arms crossed, glaring at your interlaced hands.

You notice and quickly disconnect your hand from Kiri's.

He immediately missed the warmth from your hand, but doesn't say anything.

Your dad continues to glare daggers at Kirishima until you decide to speak up.

"Dad...what're you doing home? Don't you have like, teacher business or something?

"I forgot one of my folders at home. I need it for a meeting." Aizawa says, not taking his eyes off of Kiri.

Kiri sweatdrops and looks around, trying to focus on anything but the dirty look your dad is giving him.

You immediately notice his discomfort and whine in annoyance at your father.

"Daaaad, stop glaring at him! You're making him uncomfortable!"

You flinch as his turns his head toward you, his glare not leaving.

"Why are you with this boy? At our house?!"

You and Kiri start to tremble, afraid of the dangerous tone in his voice.

"I-I was just walking her home sir! Nothing more than that, I swear!"

Aizawa squints his eyes, debating whether to believe Kirishima or not.

"He's telling the truth dad! I can have friends you know." you say with an annoyed tone.

Aizawa rolls his eyes.

"Yes I know that. It's just strange seeing you come home with some boy you just met today."

You shake your head and turn to Kiri.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just being overprotective." you say while giving a slight glare towards your father.

"It's fine! I understand. You're daughter, he has the right to be overprotective! I just didn't know you two were related.."

You and Aizawa give each other a look.

"Actually we're not related by blood. I'm actually adopted."

"Ohhhhh." Kirishima nods his head.

"Well, I should get going. See you at school tomorrow Sunshine!"

"Bye Kiri!"

As soon as Kiri leaves to head home, you turn towards you dad, who doesn't look happy.


"It's just a nickname dad! Nothing to worry about."

"Mhm. Get inside."

You quickly run past him and up to your bedroom. You head a door open and close, indicating that your dad has gone back to the school.

'I guess I should get some homework done. Dad will kill me if I don't...'

Aizawa's POV:

'That girl is going to be the death of me, I swear.'

Aizawa sighs as he arrives to the school. He's debating on turning around and going home when he hears an all too familiar loud voice.


'Dammit. What could this idiot possibly want now?'

Aizawa slowly turns around with a tired look on his face.

My little starfire (bnha various! X fem reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora