Chapter Five: The Ball

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The castle illuminated with fireworks.  For every carriage that left another one came in. At the front Lady Tramain and her girls walk out of their carriage only to be amazed by what's before them.

Inside the castle, servants light the chandeliers. More servants ran around fixing last minute things before the guests entered.  Three men dressed in yellow then moved to the top of the stairs to announce the guests as they arrived.

Servants with food walked out of the kitchen placing the food in it's rightful spots. The man in yellow announced the princess as the king, his son, and the future grand duke watched from a balcony. 

As the princes kept getting announced Kit started to worry.

"Everything will be alright. Just calm down." Oliver whispered to him. Kit took a deep breath before watching the rest of the guests. Then Lady Tramain and her girls walked past.

"Lady Tramain and daughters." the man announced before the girls whispered something to him.

"The very clever Miss Drizella and the very beautiful Miss Anastasia." the man announced. Their mother then urged them to move.

From the balcony the young men started to worry again. This time Kit noticed.

"What was that about not worrying." Kit said with a smirk.

"Shush." Oliver responded with a smile.

Outside the golden carriage started to approach the castle. The girls' faces glowed with excitement as they entered through the gates.

"May I present to you the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa." the Grand Duke said as he introduced the princess. Kit then walked forwards and kissed her hand.

"You are as handsome as your picture." the Princess said. Oliver had to hold in a laugh at the mention of the painting.

Outside the two lizard footmen opened the doors and helped the girls out of the carriage.

"I'm frightened." Ella said.

"Don't be. I'll be with you the entire time." (Y/n) said as she grabbed her sister's hand. The two then let go of each other's hands and held their dresses as they made their way up the steps.

"The prince and duke will now choose their partners for the first dance. May the ball commence." the man in yellow announced.

The two girls walked around before spotting the main door. They knocked before being allowed in. as they walked in and stopped at the balcony, everyone stopped and looked at the two girls.

Kit smiled before apologizing to the princess. The girls walked down the stairs before spotting Kit.    (Y/n) slowed down and walked behind her sister. Once they made it to the bottom and Ella spotted Kit she walked towards him while (Y/n) stayed back.

The two stopped in front of each other and talked before dancing. Suddenly more gasps were heard and someone tapped (Y/n)'s shoulder. Oliver stood behind her with his arm stretched out.

"Care to have the first dance with me?" Oliver asked the girl. (Y/n) smiled before taking his hand. Oliver then led the girl to the dance floor.

The two couples dance to their heart's content. Oliver then places his hand on her waist and grabs her hand before they continue dancing.  (Y/n) laughs as Oliver spins her again, her dress twirling behind her.

The king stands on his balcony watching with awe at the smiles on his son and the boy he considers a son's face.  As the pair continued to dance Lady Tramain glares at the two girls before moving towards her daughters.

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