Chapter Seven:Lavener's Blue

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{your house but less modern}

Hundreds of women lined up before the castle to try on the slippers. But of course none of them fit.

'The slippers traveled the length and breadth of the kingdom, visiting every maiden both high and low and every sort in between'

A group of men and the captain entered a bakery but the slippers belonged to none of the women there.

'The former Grand Duke was true to his word. He spared no effort to demonstrate to the prince and Duke that the mystery princesses were not to be found'

A girl rolled around with the glass slipper while her sister tried to force the golden one on.

"It fits." the woman exclaimed.

"It doesn't fit you." the former Grand Duke said

"It does fit!".

"It doesn't fit."

"It's mine!"

"Take the shoe away from her!" the Former Grand Duke exclaimed. Two soldiers took the shoe away, while the captain took the golden slipper away from another woman.

A woman oiled her foot down before trying to put the slippers on. Once they realized they didn't fit her family let out a groun. The woman then leaned forwards to speak to the captain.

"Can I try the other foot?" she asked.

"I don't think so." the captain responded making the woman frown.

'But whatever they tried, the magical slipper refused to fit even the most eligible of maidens.'

The former Grand Duke and Captain walked up to an elderly lady before the Former Grand
Duke turned and walked away. The Captain stayed behind and helped the woman try on the shoe.

The slippers escort rode through the forest towards a very special house. Along the way two blue birds spotted them before flying towards the house.

"What's wrong, Captain?" the former Grand Duke asked.

"We haven't found the girls. I'm disappointed for our king and the grand duke." the Captain responded.

"Oh, come on, now! Don't lose heart! There's one more house." the former grand duke said, knowing very well who lived in that house.

Inside the house, Anastasia and Drizella started freaking out when they heard horses.

"Mother, it's our chance!" Anastasia exclaimed. Both girls then ran in front of the window, watching as the men approached.

As the men approached the house, the two birds flew to the window in the attic. Jacqueline and Tod were the first to notice them and approach the window.

"Gentlemen! What a wonderful surprise." Lady Tramain said as she opened her front door.

"A moment of your time, good lady." the former grand duke said as him and the captain approached the door.

"Of course. Please this way." Lady Tramain said, before leading the men to her daughters.

In the attic (Y/n) sat by the window, while Ella sat in a chair.

'Both girls did not know who was down stairs. Nor did they care. For surely no one had come to see them.'

"It shrunk." Drizella said once the slipper didn't fit. Drizella then struggled before trying to force her foot in the slippers.

"Oh, enough." Anastasia said before pushing Drizella to the floor so she could have a turn.

Up stairs,(Y/n) started to sing while her sister twirled and danced by herself.

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