Chapter Three: The Prince and Duke

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{that's the duke}

The girls weren't treated as sisters anymore instead they were treated like maids. Everyday the girls woke up early to do their chores and went to bed late because of chores.

'This was a good thing, for it distracted the girls from their grief.'

Late at night while Ella shines some shoes, (Y/n) sews a dress that Drizella tore. It was late at night when the girls finally finished.

The two girls ate dinner with each other and the mice and Tod.

'Some times, by the end of the day, the drafty attic was too cold to spend the night in, so the girls lay by the dying embers of the hearth to keep warm.'

Ella and (Y/n) laid on the floor in front of the fire. Ella laid closer to the fire while (Y/n) and Tod cuddled close for warmth.  The next morning, Bells woke the girls from their slumber. (Y/n) quickly started preparing breakfast while Ella set the table.

(Y/n) finished placing the food on the table. While Ella tended to the dying fire in the room. Lady Tramain then walked in and noticed the two girls working and became annoyed.

"I thought dinner was ready." She said in an annoyed harsh tone.

"It is ma'am, I'm just tending the fire."Ella responded.

Lady Tramain sat down with her daughters, while the two girls rushed around fixing last minute things. Lady Tramain then noticed the dark marks on Ella's face.

"Ella what's that on your face?" Lady Tramain asked. Elle stood confused as she didn't notice she had something on her face.

"It's ash from the fireplace." Anastasia said.

"Go clean up. You'll get ciders all over our tea." Lady Tramain ordered. (Y/n) stopped what she was doing before grabbing a rag and whipping her sister's face. Suddenly Drizella used her brain for once but in a mean way.

"Cinderella! That's what we'll call you!" Drizella exclaimed making her sister and mother laugh. The girls then placed more food on the table making Lady Tramain speak up.

"Who's this for?" Lady Tramain asked.

"It's our place." (Y/n) said.

"Oh it seems too much to expect you girls to prepare breakfast, serve it and still sit with us. Wouldn't you prefer to eat when the work is done." Lady Tramain said. The two quietly picked up their plates before waking into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen Ell dropped her plate making it shatter as she broke down in tears. Before she even tried to pick it up her sister took her hand. (Y/n) took Ella to a seat and whipped her tears before sweeping the broken plate. She then sat next to her sister and hugged her as she continued crying.

"How about we go for a ride?" (Y/n) asked. Both girls then ran outside and mounted their horses. Wanting to get as far away as possible, Ella made her horse run while (Y/n) attempted to catch up. What the girls didn't notice was the little red creature that was following them through the woods.

Ella kept riding, only stopping when she met up with a large Elk. (Y/n) slowly trotted her horse before stopping next to her sister. (Y/n) could see fear in his eyes before she heard a horn.

"Run! Quickly or they'll catch you!" (Y/n) said. Then as if he understood her the elk ran in the opposite direction. Once he was gone, Tod jumped out of the bushes making the girls jump.

"You really are like mother." Ella said to her little sister. Tod then quickly climbed a branch before jumping onto (Y/n)'s lap. The sudden noise of a louder horn scared Ella's horse making him run.

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