Her Solemn Promise

Start from the beginning

Athena gasped."The Derek Ambrose Montagne?"

"That's him."

"But wasn't he named the youngest neurosurgeon? How can someone so successful be a fucking rapist? He dares to gamble his reputation about?" Athena's head was cloudy, the more she stayed in this school, her insanity increases along.

Ace scoffed. "All successful people are the ones commiting the biggest crime. Only this moguls don't get caught because of how corrupted the world is."

"Go on," Athena urged for the first time.

"What I'm saying is, Derek owns almost all of the hospitals across the Earth. Just because he's name isn't on the hospitals board, doesn't mean he doesn't have the power to have control over them. And God! Don't even get me started with Theo Cielo! How that guy pisses me off! He facades his evilness so well, he gets away with it all the damn time!" He maligned them diabolically.

Athena laughed."You must have had it wrong, Ace. Theo isn't anything like them. You're just assuming and imagining weird things about him only because he's quiet."

"I wish, Athena. You have to trust me on this. I'm not joking. You don't know him like I do. He dominates the art world. All seven arts. Sculpture, music, painting, film, literature, architecture, and performing. So you can only imagine how good he's acting skills are, " he argued, trying his hardest to convince her.

She tilted her head. She was utterly bemused by his words. She attempted again and again to process the information but all she can conclude was... what's this of being quiet about those rapists just because they have money or fame.

Better yet, he mentioned dreadful things about Theo when he was the only person who came to her aid at her most feeble moment.

"But you don't make any sense-"

"Athena!" She flinched from the harsh pitch in his voice.

Ace let out a breath, letting his hand run down his face as he cooled himself.

It wasn't her fault that she was confused, he hadn't had the chance to tell her about them before she transferred here.

Actually, he had plenty, plenty of time and story to tell her but he didn't want them being a factor of her rejecting his offer when he suggested he could get her into her desired school.

"Please, Athena. Just please. Believe me on this. You have to avoid them like the plague," he nearly begged.

Noticing the despair that leaked in his every words, she bit her inner lip. "Tell me what's really happening, Ace," she demanded for an answer.

"It's their cursed group, Athena. They are called Thieves. In short, the Thieves are dangerous people," Ace finally spilled.

"Thieves? Why does it sound like a cult to me? And what spoiled brats?! Not only they man handles teachers, they have the audacity to go around stealing now? For someone renown, they really aren't that bright." Athena heaved a sigh.

"They steal girls like you-"

Athena cut him to it. "Oh so they practice kidnapping? What clowns."

"No. They take virginities more times than they change their clothes. They keep track of the number of virgins they take and something about winning and being a King whoever has the most. I don't know what kind of fucking retard does that. There's many rumors about it but nobody actually knows how it works. And, now back to it, I'm hella worried as they recognise you now. Now you see why I'm so pressured? " He finished with a heavy breath.

Her jaw was clenched and she felt the lump in her throat grew and it suffocated her into somehow believing Ace's words.

However illogical it was, she wanted to have faith in her best friend. She knew he wouldn't lie of something as such, neither is he one to love pulling pranks.

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