When Legolas ran out of arrows, he quickly took out his short sword and began cutting up the Uruks. Because I wasn't using my arrows at the time, I quickly grabbed my own from my quiver and ran up to him, stashing them in his quiver.

"Thank you, my lady," he smirked, putting the swords away and grabbing his bow again as I went back to cleaving up the Uruks.

"Where are the Hobbits?" I yelled, finally remembering the fact that the halflings were defenceless.

"Go and find them, we can handle these!" Gimli growled, bringing his axe down again.

I knew that both Legolas and Gimli would be fine because they were quite the warriors so I quickly turned and ran back in the direction I had last seen the Hobbits.

I ended up just following the sound of the Uruks and before I knew it, I almost collided into Boromir.

It wasn't long before we found both Merry and Pippin who were being cornered by the Uruks. Boromir jumped in first, wielding his broad sword with such strength.

I ran to Merry and Pippin's side as they drew their daggers. I doubted they could do much with them but with me and Boromir taking out most of them, I was pleasantly surprised to see the little Hobbits picking off the others that got too near.

"We're outnumbered here, Boromir!" I yelled, seeing more and more Uruks running over the hill towards us, "We must regroup!"

I saw him take the Horn of Gondor from his belt and and hastily raise it to his lips. The sound of the horn filled my ears and I just hoped the others would get to us in time.

I yelped in pain as one of the Uruks managed to score a cut on my shoulder. It wasn't a deep wound so I just shrugged it off and chopped the Uruk's head off.

"Run! Run!" Boromir yelled as a huge swarm of Uruks headed our way.

Both me and Boromir stood in front of the Hobbits, forming a protective barrier around them. I could tell Boromir was tiring but he stood his ground well.

My new axe was now drenched in black Uruk blood but I was content in the fact that there still wasn't a single scratch in it. Elven weapons were known for their sturdiness and sometimes indestructible nature, and so to have that incorporated into an axe was exhilarating.

My momentary joy was cut short, however, when I heard the familiar sound of an arrow flying through the air and piercing flesh. At first I thought Legolas had finally joined us but I soon realised that wasn't the case when Boromir staggered backwards, a dark arrow embedded in his chest.

I stopped dead in my tracks and so did the Hobbits. I saw Boromir drop to his knees, only to lunge back up and back into the fight.

Without delay, I continued as well, though I wanted desperately to know how bad my companion had been injured.

You could survive an arrow, at least, I've known people who have. Once the fight was over, we could get him some kind of help. I still had some healing herbs in my pack, perhaps he could live to fight another day.

Just when my hope was rising again, a second arrow struck him, this one right in the gut. I saw him fall again, but still, he would not die.

With great difficulty, I saw him hobble back to his feet and take out some more of the Uruk.

By the time I had ran over to him, a third arrow had come hurtling into his chest, sending him back to his knees.

"Take the halflings! And the she-elf!" The Uruk archer - presumably the leader - growled as he came forward with his bow nocked again.

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