The First Steps.

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I already had most of my things packed. Because I had been late to Elrond's council, I hadn't had any time to unpack my stuff from StarLight's saddlebags. The only things I was packing were extra water and supplies.

I had spent most of my life on the road so I knew how to travel light with even my other, more formal clothes taking up barely any space in my pack. I don't care for fancy clothes much, I preferred practical garments, but if and when I am required to wear something more suitable, I had a few things packed away.

Nasha was ready, she didn't care what dangers they went through, she would follow me everywhere and protect me in battle if needed.

"You must be Lady Sapphire?" Gimli strutted forward to greet the rather strange elleth that I was.

"I am indeed. What about it?" I asked, turning to regard the dwarf.

"Just that I am curious as to how you learnt to carry an axe and hammer? Surely your kin wouldn't have taught you and I do not know a single dwarf in Erebor, the Blue Mountains or the Iron Hills who would teach our artistry to an elf." Gimli looked at me with curiosity as he had probably seen me before when I came to visit Erebor.

"I was brought up in the Mines of Moria by the dwarves because my parents had died on the road. I have learnt many forms of combat in my years upon Middle-Earth." I said as I began to check each of my knife slots to make sure none were missing.

"I believe, Lady Sapphire, you and I could get along just fine..." Gimli mused, "It's the stuck up Prince of Mirkwood I can't stand..." He scowled over at Legolas who was coming down the steps towards them in a simple green riding tunic and trousers.

He glared at Gimli as he passed them and did not know what to make of me so did not look at me at all. I did not believe that he was the Prince of Mirkwood.

I was promised a fearsome warrior who was as deadly as any orc hoards but instead I got a baby-faced elf who picked fights with dwarves.

Nasha let out a throaty growl as Legolas passed, not liking the way he regarded her master.

"Aragorn," I greeted my old friend as he approached to pack bags of supplies onto our pony's back, "It has been many a year since our last encounter together, I hope all is well?"

"Yes, my Lady..." Aragorn spoke calmly but I could have sworn I heard hesitation in his voice as he glanced over at Lady Arwen who was there to see everyone off.

Boromir was already kitted out for the journey so he walked over to me as Gimli left to say farewell to his fellow dwarves. He tried to help me pack some things in bags but I sent him a hard stare that told him to back away.

"Forgive me, I was only trying to help..." He sighed.

"I require no help." I said defensively to which Nasha came from behind me to ward Boromir off.

Before Boromir could say anymore, the four hobbits came round the corner, guided by Gandalf.

"Mithrandir," I greeted the wizard with a smile as he and the four hobbits approached me, "And I do not believe we have been introduced," I said, looking at the hobbits.

"Ah..." Gandalf smiled warmly down at them, "This is Merry, Pippin, Sam and, of course, Frodo..."

The four hobbits jumped back as Nasha came forward. She was nearly as tall as them so they had a good reason to be taken aback. Nasha approached slowly and bowed her head so the hobbits could pet her so they knew she was not a threat to them.

"This is Lady Sapphire, elven ranger..." He gestured to me as I greeted the small halflings.

"You two," I said, pointing to Merry and Pippin, "Will ride on StarLight today,"

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