Chapter 30 : the morning after

Start from the beginning

I coughed slightly before composing myself in order to reply to their fairly rude question. "It's for a good friend of mine, and the bakery girl... her name is Tyra."

"So it is her?" She said eying me up and down knowing that she's got me stuck.

I smiled and said my goodbyes without giving either one of them a clear response to their questions. I then carried on my journey back to Tyra's fastening my speed to make up for the time that had been lost, I didn't want her to worry about me taking too long.

I made my way up to her apartment and took out the key from my pocket and fumbled with the keyhole to the front door of her apartment. The door swung open and I waltzed in half expecting for Tyra to still be in bed and be asleep again. However after entering the lounge I saw her petite frame cuddled up on the sofa with tears streaming down her face. I threw the food and coffee onto the kitchen side however the coffee slipped and fell off spilling onto the floor. I didn't even look back to see the spillage I just ran over to my girlfriend and scooped her into my arms. I kissed her on her head and held onto her tightly. The worst thoughts came flooding to my heads as to why she was in the state she was. "What's wrong baby girl?" I asked stroking her hair with my hand and continuously kissing her.

"There was a spider in the bath and it was massive, Harry it was massive" I chuckled slightly realising that it was just a little spider that had scared her. "Don't laugh Harry it was like a dinosaur"

"Did it go Roarrrr" I said making her slightly chuckle. "It's fine baby I'll go and get it."

I stood up and went into the bathroom to flush the 'dinosaur' down to the toilet. I scooped it up in some toilet paper and pressed the button watching the spider wash way.

I made my way back into the lounge "It's gone down the toilet but be careful it doesn't come and pinch you up the bum" I said smirking.

As I walked in I noticed her laughing as she was bent down over facing the floor with her perky bum raised into the air. I moved so I was stood behind her and pulled her up "let me clean it up, it's my mess"

We both bent down to the floor to finish cleaning the coffee up, after the mess was sorted we slumped over to the sofa and I rested her legs across my laps I pulled open the packet of food I brought. We turned on the Tv and inserted a DVD; The Notebook. It was a film we both loved and we spent the morning snuggled up together with intermittent make out sessions.

Later on I had to get ready and go pick Alfie up from Harry when Harry went home. Harry was going back at 2 so that he could get ready for his flight he had tonight. The boys were off to Japan for a few weeks to do some work related stuff. I packed a small bag which included my phone and a few £10 notes I had. Me and Harry both left my apartment and locked the front door before leaving to make our way back down to the front of my apartment. Harry's car sat in the garage down below.

We walked out hand in hand as I savoured the last few moments we had together before the alone time disappeared. Tonight me and Harry weren't spending the night together. He told me this morning he had some fancy meeting dinner to go to so he would spend all afternoon getting ready.

We drove in complete silence all the way back to Harry's apartment in the rich side of London. The contrast in boroughs was very apparent. His apartment block was a glass full building with hundreds of designer branded properties. The entire journey I had Harry's hand rested on my thigh, my hair was pulled in front of my neck so that my hickeys were hidden. We pulled up into Harry's reserved garage space. The car stopped and Harry sat still for a moment, I turned my head so that I was facing him. He turned and leaned in for another final passionate kiss. One that felt like it would last a life time. We stayed connected for what felt like forever. Our lips pressed firmly together, the connection fluttered through my entire body.

We finally disconnected and came falling back down to reality. I pulled my bag over my shoulder before taking a hold of Harry's hand as he helped me down out of his car. He shut the door behind me and catching me off guard he pushed me against the front bonnet, our lips connected again causing my breath to stop in the heat of the moment. After pulling away he leaned in to whisper something in my ear "had to taste you one last time today" I giggled slightly and turned to start walking back to his apartment lift. He lived on the penthouse which meant he had his own lift specially for him. He held my hand and ushered me into the elevator treating me like his very own princess.

The lift door shut and I was suddenly pushed against the lift his arm was firmly gripped onto the wall above my head our lips stayed together until the sounds of us kissing were interrupted by the sounds of the lift pinging and stopping us. The doors opened and we walked in hand in hand. I loosened my grip on Harry's hand and bent down to pick up Alfie who was running over to me as we approached the main living area. Alfie then moved onto Harry giving him the biggest cuddle ever. We then went to sit down on the sofa after giving the boys hugs and saying thank you to them.

I then collect up Alfie's toys putting them back in his overnight bag. Harry walked me and Alfie to the lift door after saying Goodbye to the others. I stood staring up at Harry. "Send me a picture of you in your suit" He chuckled and nodded, I leaned up on my tippy toes before attaching our lips together.

"Eww gross" Alfie said covering his eyes with both of his hands and turning away. We both laughed before pulling away. I turned and walked me and Alfie into the lift. Harry stood in front of us and our eyes remained paired together until the lift closed and separated us from each other.

I stood in the lift reminiscing over the night before and how real our relationship finally felt. He's amazing and everything I could ever ask for. I looked down to see a wide smile written all over Alfie's face, I was happy that Alfie felt so comfortable around Harry. We were both finally able to trust someone, and I'm so glad it was him.

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