Chapter 11

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Screaming was all Rue could do as Billy dragged her into Dr. Charles' science lab, shoving her roughly to the floor before coughing up blood. Claw and bite marks riddles his body, souvenirs from the beast that had assaulted him. His tan skin was so thoroughly coated that it was hard to tell where all the wounds were. One ear was missing a good chunk. The entire walk to this place had gotten them quite a good amount of attention, especially since he had been trailing blood the entire time.

"Oh, you brought her!" The blonde doctor squealed as she trotted over to them. "Let me strap her to a chair and I'll take care of the mess you've turned yourself into." Snatching up the ombre haired girl before she could bolt for the door, the doctor dragged Rue over to a chair. The older teen limped over to help, using the last of his strength to hold her down with a snarl.

"Stop struggling, bitch..." He choked out, a hand wrapping around her neck as Elizabeth strapped down her legs and arms. "I knew you were going to be trouble the day Kage brought you in. Damn it..."

Without warning, his eyes rolled back, and he went to the floor, seizing.

"Shit!" The blonde woman hissed as she rushed to him, getting right to work at saving his pathetic life. "I told you not to push yourself too hard, Billy!"

Unable to see what was going on, Rue tried to twist free. She shook and tugged at her wrists and ankles, glancing around for anything that might help her. For once, she wanted Kage here – wished he were here. The strong male would not allow the doctor to do this, would he? She knew that the damned president would not let her free, especially now. And worse, Billy just wanted her dead. That is what she got from this situation, anyway. He had not been at all gentle with her on the way to this floor.

"Let me go!" She cried just as she slipped a wrist free and reached toward the table next to her. Fingers wrapped around a scalpel as she glanced toward the doctor, seeing her help Billy to his feet. Blood still oozed from his wounds, dripping to a new puddle below that the sixteen-year-old could not see. His dark hair stuck to his face where his teeth were visible through his cheek.

Rue silently thanked the little creature that had assaulted him as she hid the scalpel in the sleeve of her shirt. The doctor was too busy getting the injured male to a chair in order tend to his wounds. It was the perfect opportunity for the duel skinned girl to free herself, which she gladly did by undoing the belt around her other wrist. With both hands free, she reached for her ankles and freed them as well. Tossing her legs off the chair, she rushed for the door as quickly as her feet would take her.

"Hey!" Dr. Charles yelled. "Stop!"

Making it to the door, the teen jerked it open, only to be greeted by the familiar fair face of Rita. Gasping, she started to back up until something stabbed into her stomach. Breath hitching, she looked down to see a needle jabbing into her, fingers pushing the little pump so the liquid inside would inject. Turning her gaze back to the girl, Rue tried to choke out a word, but it was lost as she fell to the floor.

As unconsciousness took her, the last thing she saw was Rita frowning down at her with pity in those brown eyes.


Kage stepped into the hallway full of animal cages to find one of the creatures loose. It was leaning against one of the bottom cages, reaching in between the bars to hold hands with one of the others. The creature was a monkey type little thing and had a deep gash on its neck.

Rushing over to it, the hulking male crouched down and gently stroked at its back. The pool of blood beneath told him there was no hope for the little one. "What happened, my friend?" He murmured and sniffed at the air. There was Rue's scent, but he highly doubted she had done this to his little friend. No, it had to be the other familiar scent lingering in the air – stinking up his hallway.

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