"exactly! well, what are you even doing here? not many people use this hallway."

"today i finally got a day off. since etta is working, i couldn't really spend it with her. so i decided to just roam the halls until her shift is over." he chuckled. "but, i will let you continue scrubbing. have a good one!"

"you too piers!"

after that little conversation with piers, the day moved a bit faster. it was finally time to clock out, so you rushed back to your quarters and started getting ready.

"this will be...easy. right?" rey asked in the elevator. she was starting to get more anxious each level the elevator brought kylo and her to.

kylo could tell that she was getting nervous and he didnt want to add to it. he knew that adding to it wouldnt work in there favor at all. so, he simply just looked down at her.

"thank you for that." rey rolled her eyes.

kylo was also getting worried. just like rey said earlier, people are unpredictable. this plan of his may not even work, and that is what he feared.

the door of the elevator opened and it revealed snokes throne room. rey had never been in it before, so she looked around for a brief second. she turned her attention to snoke, and she almost froze from fear.

"well done, my good and faithful apprentice. my faith in you is restored. young rey. welcome."

the handcuffs on rey unlocked and she shook her hands.

"come closer, child. so much strength. darkness rises, and light to meet it. i warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise."

the lightsaber that kylo was holding suddenly flew into snokes hand.

"skywalker, i assumed. wrongly."

snoke placed the lightsaber right next to him. kylo thought to himself that this was becoming far too easy.

"closer, i said."

rey started to be pulled closer to the supreme leader. rey decided to go along with what snoke was talking about so that it would draw attention way from what kylo was about to do.

"you underestimate skywalker, and ben solo, and me. it will be your downfall."

"oh. have you seen something? a weakness in my apprentice. is that why you came? you young fool." snoke laughed. "it was i who bridged your minds. i stoked rens conflicted soul. i knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you. and you were not wise enough to resist the bait."

little did snoke know that kylos plan was working perfectly right now. rey also knew it, and that made her the slightest relieved.

"and now, you will give me skywalker."

snoke put his hand up to reys cheek, causing her to shiver a bit. his touch made her feel disgusting. she noted to herself that when this was over, she needed to wash her face 10 times over.

"then i will kill you with the cruelest stroke."

"no." rey had to put up a brave front. she knew that displaying any fear to snoke would not help at all.

"yes." snoke replied. he then used the force to throw rey up into the air. he became to probe her- which was not apart of the plan.

"give me everything."

kylo started to panic a bit. he knew he had to act fast.

"no! no! no!" rey called out. she then let out a painfully loud scream. rey then suddenly fell to the ground and immediately got back up.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now