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While you know all the events that took place between Monday and Tuesday involving Midoriya and Saiko, along with Midoriya's assassination attempt, let's go back to earlier that Monday, but this time, U.A's side, more specifically, the three students in the Support Course's workshop.

Using the drone's ability to cling onto metal surfaces, Iida rode a train over to the next town as to collect more information as a way to point a direction as to where Midoriya could have been taken.

When he made it over there, night had already fallen and as to conserve more energy, they decided that it would be best to land it on top of a building where no one who find it until morning.

The three teens called it a night, saying that they would meet up again tomorrow after classes, Hatsume showed them the way out while wishing them a goodnight, she had wanted to do more work, less protaining to finding Midoriya.

After Todoroki, Iida was the next to leave, upon walking out, Hatsume had stopped him to say a little pep to keep his spirts up, "Don't worry, I'm sure that tomorrow you'll uncover all sorts of stuff, I just know it," she said with her usual cheerful and hyperactive personality.

Iida just looked down at the pink haired girl with no expression, blankly staring, "...Thank you, have a good night now..." he then turned from her and started his walk to his dorm room.

"Uh, too..." he overheard her say, once he made it down the hall, that's when he heard the large door actually close.

In his dorm, he plopped down on one of his chair's and opened up a canned soda to quench his thirst, after a few sips, his mind then started to race about his future plans now that he has breached the school's security system.

Just like this friend, Iida, over the course of a few days had developed quite the muttering problem when thinking deeply about something, it's nothing as bad as Midoriya's, but it kinda reminded his classmates and peers about the boy.

He also wrote down things he had remembered from the crime scene as to not forget about any details and drew up different plans as to where he should look and whatnot.

Nowadays, it seems that all Iida cares about is finding Midoriya, of course, the all the other students, including Bakugou, would like to be out there looking for him as well, but Iida, he always pushes himself when scenarios like these happen, looking back, it all started when his brother was attacked by Stain, making him immobile and in need of serious medical attention.

With him now bring crippled, he decided to give his hero name, "Ingenium" to his dear younger brother to continue his legacy.

Midoriya, even though he himself had made it clear that they're rivals, is still one of his closest friends and one of his inspirations when it comes to becoming a great hero, or even the #1 Hero.

So he refuses to make the same faith that has befallen his brother befall onto Midoriya as well. He needed him beside him when he's ready to climb the ranks of heroes, all the way to the top if possible, along with Bakugou, Todoroki and whoever strives for the top.

After minutes of revising his previous plans, he decided that it was time to call it a day, after brushing his teeth, he took off his glasses and jumped in bed before wrapping himself in his blanket.

It took him awhile to dose off because he couldn't wait for the next day to begin, but eventually, his unchecked tiredness crept up on him and soon after, he was asleep.
It's now morning, his alarm clock woke him up at 6:00 A.M and he begrudgingly turned it off, doing basic things like eating breakfast, having a shower and getting ready for school, Iida Tenya was now set for a beautiful Monday morning and a new set of teaching at U.A high.

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