Chapter 1: "Stop spouting craps Jeonghan hyung"

Start from the beginning

Settling the male on the sofa in the living room, the young male promptly moves to the kitchen where he put the first aid box. He reaches for a glass of water and checks his refrigerator for some porridge ingredients. Finding all the things he needed, Hansol rushed to the living room with the first-aid box and plain water.

He was shocked to the stranger already regained his consciousness and was sitting up on his own. His pale face looked confused and on the full alert. He looks like he's ready to attack Hansol when the male approaches. His sharp eyes were watching Hansol like an eagle.

"How are you feeling?"

Realising he was getting no response, Hansol shrugged before focusing on the first-aid box. He never really uses it before but he did learn basic first aid from his doctor friend.

"Please, have some water. You looked very pale." He says as he hands the stranger the glass. However, seeing the stranger's shaky hand, he kindly helped him to drink it.

"I don't have much knowledge of medicines but I can do some basic first aid. Will you let me help you?" He asked softly, sitting on the floor and look up to the stranger's calculating eyes. Their eyes met and Hansol swears he was thrown off guard by the mysterious whirlpool in those eyes.

The male looks like he was contemplating something before nodding in the end. Hansol smiled in appreciation before proceeding to check on his injuries and wounds that are visible to the eyes.

"Do you mind pulling up your sleeves while I'm going to get some clean cloth and water? These wounds might get infected if it's not cleaned up properly." He said before disappearing into one of the closed doors.

Junhui found himself unable to react to anything. He knows his antibody is working and he regained some strength, although it is not enough for him to walk around freely. He watches as the youngster who helped him earlier moving back and forth before sitting on the floor by his side, looking like a docile little bunny.

"I'm going to wash your elbow for a bit. This scratch is quite big and seems painful." The blonde male said to Junhui before carefully touching his arm.

Junhui cannot believe that he is letting a stranger, other than his personal doctor or the Divine's elites to touch him freely. However, he cannot see himself pushing the good-intentioned young male that seems to be keen on helping him.

He took the moment to admire the kind stranger's face. Blond hair, a shade lighter than Jeonghan's hair, beautifully structured face, thick eyebrows, a pair of big almond eyes with the most beautiful honey-caramel orbs, aquiline nose and thin lips forming a straight line on his beautiful face. He was a literal angel and in Junhui's eyes, the young male before him is even more gorgeous than the self-proclaimed angel he knew. (*Cough, Yoon Jeonghan)

His daydream was cut short when he felt a stinging sensation on his right elbow where the youngster was tending making him hissed in pain.


"Oh gosh, I'm really sorry." Hansol bowed his head a few times showing how sorry he is until the stranger's hand stopped him from bowing.

It took Hansol around 15 minutes to tend and bandages the numerous cuts and minor wounds on the stranger's body. He then went into his bedroom to his closet to find a clothes change. It would be uncomfortable to sleep in suits.

It was at this moment Hansol realised that he had been helping a total stranger that he has no idea where he came from, the reason to his injuries or even know his name. It finally gets to him that he has invited a stranger into his personal space and has been helping the latter to settle down and even thinking about letting the stranger sleep in the room across to his.

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