Chapter 6: "That's one hella rich friend."

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"Hi, I'm Seungkwan, may I take your order, sir?"

Awestruck. Lee Chan was awestruck by the gorgeous and familiar person at the counter who was smiling brightly at him.

Boo Seungkwan.

It would be a lie if he does not remember Seungkwan. They met few times while Chan was abducted during his childhood. Seungkwan was the one who helped him to call his father from their window interactions.

It is a long story and Chan have mixed feeling about the memories. It was the start of his lifetime pain but also let him to meet the purest soul ever.

Long story short, after he was saved by his father, the last memories of Seungkwan in his mind is the male was crying while reaching out to touch Chan who is close to death. He was crying and screaming, calling for his nickname when Chan was brought away by Mingyu's father for medical treatment.

Chan was very sure that this is the same Boo Seungkwan he knew back then. He grew up, of course. But Chan would never mistook those pair of kind and friendly eyes along with that soft smile which always gracing his face. He can never be wrong with his sharp eyes. He's Hypnus. Divine's best sniper.

Seungkwan blinked at the male who was starring at him. He wanted to grumble sassily but he finds himself mirroring the former's movement by studying him. He waited until the male blinks rapidly, probably noticing the fact that he looks like a weirdo.

"Ummm, sorry for starring..." Chan bowed shyly afterwards. He realised that as much as he recognised Seungkwan, the latter probably did not recognise or know him. He had changed a lot since then. Plus, the one that Seungkwan knows is Dino. His childhood nickname due to his obsession with dinosaurs and history. Not the current Lee Chan.

"It's okay. My name is Seungkwan, how can I help you today?" Seungkwan shrugged the behaviour off. This is normal if you are friends with certain weirdos namely Kwon Soonyoung and Lee Seokmin.

"I'm Chan, can I get a cup of hot chocolate and a slice of carrot cakes, please?"

"Sure, your total would be ₩12,700, sir."

The transaction went smoothly before Seungkwan told Chan to wait for a while and Seungkwan will serve his order later. The younger nodded. He quickly make himself comfortable at a corner deep in the cafe with dimmed lights and hidden from other people's view to continue his reading.

It was quite and peaceful despite the outer part of the cafe seems to be bustling with people coming in and out of the cafe trying to get their orders before rushing back to their beloved family.

Chan doesn't have those. He lives alone. After Junhui took over the control of Divine from his father, all of their old mens retired and watches from the dark. They had never yet stepped out but all of them know their parents are still watching and protecting them.

Just like how Junhui parents along with Minghao's parents decided to go back to live in China, Chan's parents moved to Italy. Mingyu's parents is staying in Japan while Seungcheol's parents went to live in New Zealand. Jeonghan's parents decided to stay in Seoul, at least his mother is while his father disappeared after his last mission. The only thing they know about him is that he is very much alive and that he visited his wife when Jeonghan is not around.

Watching others from the window Chan had to agree it is getting lonely for him since everyone is no longer living in the headquarters except him and Mingyu. The latter was rarely there due to his busy schedule and if he was, he would be busy with his experiments.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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