
387 13 6


Seoul, South Korea May 5th

"I have a bad omen regarding this meeting."

The male in grey fitted suits glanced at his assistant who was standing in front of him after hearing the words. He continues focusing his attention back to the documents on his table.

"What are you worrying so much about it Jeonghan hyung?" He asks after a while.

"I don't know. I just got the feeling that something bad will happen. Should we call Thanatos and Hypnus to come back? Why do you have to send them on a mission together? Or maybe we can take Erebos along? Heck, why don't we invite Tartarus with us? Junhui are you listening to me?!" The older male shrieks in horror.

"I am listening hyung, but having both you, the infamous Lucifer and Charon together are more than enough. Plus I don't want people to think I'm bullying Han Wooseok by  taking so many elites along for a simple meeting." Junhui sighed for the tenth time of the day over his wrecked and anxious subordinate.

"You're being a worry-wart again aren't you Yoon Jeonghan..." Another voice chimed in from the opened full-length window as a small figure in black clothing slipped in.

" Even if we're not tagging along, I'm sure Hades will find ways to survive. He always does." The figure added as he casually strolls to Jeonghan's side.

"Boss, Charon is here." He greeted slightly nodding his head to Junhui.

"This the fifth floor please use the goddamn door Jihoon," Jeonghan muttered under his breath as he pinches his nose bridge.

"Now where's the fun in that." Jihoon chuckled to his direction before changing his focus back to their boss who was going through the documents on his table.

"Welcome back Ji. How was your mission?" The older looks up from his reading with a smile.

"Splendid. I just wish their blood was black instead of crimson. Those people are disgusting and shouldn't have the same blood colour as other decent human beings." Jihoon's reply invoked deep hearty chuckles from Junhui.

"Ugh whatever, Jihoon go and change before we leave. You reek of blood. And don't stain the floor!" Jeonghan huffed in annoyance when no one paid attention to him before leaving the office room.

"Did a stick got up on his ass or what?" Jihoon inquires curiously.

"I think Tartarus bailed on him last night and to be honest, I'm also having a bad omen after listening to him for almost an hour just now." The older male explained, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Auch. Seungcheol hyung better be prepared from the wrath of the fallen angel... How was he doing in the police anyway?" Jihoon curiously inquiries while his hand reached for the mini-refrigerator in Junhui's office.

"Doing good. He's probably the best among us to dawdles in the light and dark." Junhui shrugged.

"Go and have a decent meal at the kitchen Ji. Having a coke with watermelon will give you a headache." He added when he saw Jihoon holding a bottle of coke and a small container of watermelon that Jeonghan stocked up in the younger's refrigerator.

"Superstitious." Jihoon retorted, continue drinking the coke. "But I'm really hungry, what did you guys have for lunch?"

"We ordered Chinese takeaway today. Mingyu had to be on set for his new drama from 6 am till 2 pm so he was not around to cook for lunch."

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