Sizhui's footsteps had neared to Jin Ling as his heart raced. Oh shit shit shit! He's coming over!

     The Young Mistress' heart had hammered excruciatingly at his chest as fear implanted itself deep within his knees. On the spur of the moment, he just listened to his body—which had immediately raced out of the kitchen room and out in the open. Outside the room was practically empty of hiding spots. The kitchen room was higher than ground level, with wooden planks supporting the flooring. A long path of a wooden staircase had lead outwards of the entire wooden plank section.

     Jin Ling had panicked. There really is nowhere to hide! All of a sudden, he finally knew what to do.

     Below the wooden planks!

     Hurriedly, he swiftly jumped over the wooden fence poles (without taking the stairs, since it's a shortcut) and landed smoothly on the grassy land. Adrenaline kicked inside of him as he dashed towards the bottom of the wooden planks. Of course, he safely hid without being noticed. But the wait was unbearable.

     It turned out that the grassy land wasn't so grassy after all. Below the wooden planks was like a swamp!

     Water had soaked at Jin Ling's legs, reaching from the soles of his feet till his waist. Part of his robe had indulged in the muddy liquid as well, with frigid cold temperature piercing at his shivering skin. Unfortunately, some of the water had splashed up to his chest, soaking his ponytail slightly as well. He swore quietly underneath his breath before Sizhui left the kitchen room.

The sound of light tapping footsteps on the staircase had struck, as Sizhui landed softly on the ground level. "Where's Jingyi's sleeping quarter again?" He asked himself.

Jin Ling shivered, with the horrible sensation welling up like enlarging a hot air balloon.

"Oh, I remember now!" Sizhui cheered. Jin Ling had almost cheered along with the GusuLan disciple at the sudden announcement.

Sizhui had hummed a light and soft tune as he trudged along the path of stone pebbles, which lead to the sleeping quarters in the Cloud Recesses. Jin Ling waited for an itty bitty second before dragging himself out from underneath the wooden planks. As expected, the hem of his clothes had flung to his skin with its soaked material. The Young Mistress hissed at the coldness penetrating his legs, but held in all his temptation to scream like a fierce corpse.

You got this, Jin Ling. He repeated in his mind as he groggily chased after Sizhui like a spy.

"I'm here." Sizhui stopped at cabin/sleeping quarter that belonged to Jingyi. The Young Mistress hid behind a nearby tree to listen in the conversation. "Jingyi?" Sizhui knocked thrice at the cabin door, which swung open with no difficulty. "Oh, hey there, Sizhui. What do you want so late at night?" Jingyi sleepily asked.

"I was wondering..." Sizhui squirmed. "If you could teach me how you had cooked fried egg rice."

A frown plastered over on Jingyi's face. "This is for that spoiled brat, am I right?"

Sizhui seemed surprise at the response. "H-how'd you know?"

Jin Ling's heart had sunk as he heard how 'spoiled brat' was used to describe himself. "Isn't it obvious? Who else would you cook for? Wei Wuxian has his husband. Wen Ning doesn't need food. And besides, I doubt you'd feed me my own recipe, would you?" Jingyi scoffed.

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