Chapter Three

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It's been ages since I last uploaded, I've had this chapter written up for more than two months but I was just too lazy to upload. Mind you I haven't really edited this chapter. I personally don't think it's much of a funny chapter either so if you hate it, do tell.

Chapter three

“Let me get this straight, your parents think that something between us is happening?” My lips purse into a forced smile as Zach gives me a small nod, his emerald eyes avoiding my own ones.

“Yeah, kinda.” Getting into position for a wall push up, he begins stretching his calves. I too get into position but stretch my hips and lower back instead.

I wince slightly at the build-up of pressure before releasing; I soon tilt my head to face Zach once more. “Uh huh , why do they think that exactly?”

Changing from my standing position to lying onto the ground I take the towel Zach offers me, still with no answer to my previous question. With my eyes still glued onto his sweating face, I loop the towel onto my left foot and begin stretching my hamstrings.

“Well.” He begins. “See how my folks weren’t in the country during the summer…”

“And neither were you.” I add.

“True. But they don’t know that. They think me and you were hanging out all summer long.” He wipes away a few beads of sweat from his forehead. I watch him carefully, not believing the lie he’s selling to his parents.

“You piece of shit.” his chest vibrates softly as a low chuckle escapes his lips.

“I’m sorry, but you’re the only chick I’m close friends with, I needed you as an alibi. Imagine me telling my parents I was hanging around with Bex the whole summer they’ll probably refer me to some psychiatrist worrying their eldest son has become some total nutcase.”

“You ass!” I try to contain my laughter while physically attacking Zach with my bottle and towel.

“I’m sorry, but you know it’s true, she’s like the nerdy nut case.” The kids got a point there.

“I still don’t get why they think we’re together. And why couldn’t you say you were with Ivan or Christopher?”

“I dunno man, you were the first person that came to mind. Anyways, Mom kept questioning whether or not we started dating, so I just played along…” Great, absolutely great, now I have a fake boyfriend! How I haven’t punched the living crap out of his face is beyond me.

“Look, I’m sorry but you know my Mom, she’s into the two of us getting together and making babies for her…”

I fling my bottle towards him, “She what?!”  I ball up my fist, ready to throw a punch at him. He shoots me his trademark smirk before taking a few steps back. I on the other hand shoot him a ‘you’re going to die, you fu#@ing asshole’ look before lunging towards him.

“No need to get physical! I can’t go to school wearing a black eye- Please I beg of you!”


Regaining my breath I wipe away the beads of sweat dripping down my forehead, I wave off Zach who hollers his good bye. Walking up the path way I push aside the front gate and make my way towards the back door.

I can’t say I live in the best house in the neighbourhood, but I have to admit me and mom are proud of it. After years of renting the house from the Omar family we finally bought it this summer and have just finished renovating and expanding the house from two bedrooms to four.

Upon entrance I see Mom; sitting in her finest glory (not really) as she sips away at what I presume is her sixth mug of coffee. She shoots me an odd look before gesturing for me to take a seat beside her.

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