✧(Gender neutral) How the two of you hang out ✧

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F/D=Favorite Drink
F/C= Favorite Candy
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🔎 Shuichi Saihara🔍
-the boy be kinda busy with detective work

-although, when he has time, the two of you usually go to the mall.

-first, you guys usually go to Starbucks and order (F/D)

-then you guys walk to the local library

-The two of you Ofcourse walk to the mystery/ novel section

-Shuichi manages to show you every freaking single damn book


-when there are new releases...

-This dude literally FANBOYS over novels and mystery books

-he cute when he does that tho-


-the two of you had lotta fun

Overall enjoyment: 9.9/10

🟪 Kokichi Ouma 🟪
-so uhm

-at first you must admit that kokichi's "Fun" was quite different from yours

-the boy spend his time bothering other people immensely

-especially Kaito

-it sounds fucking cruel

-but you have to admit, that kaito's reaction when Noodles soaked in PANTA fell on him...



-even thinking about it cracks you up

-welp, hanging out with kokichi is NEVER boring for sure!

Overall enjoyment: 9.5/10

🚀 Kaito Momota 🚀
-The two of you still hang out each Saturday to watch the stars

-His passion for aspiring to become an Astronaut still amazes you every time!

-His eyes start sparkling

-Like you as a little kid when you FINALLY got your (F/C)

-The two of you also discuss Zodiacs a lot.

-But the two of you also talk about the future, dreams, and literally EVEYTHING!

-Hanging out with Kaito is a dream ITSELF

Overall enjoyment 10/10

🤖 Keebo 🤖
-The two of you used to meet up at the local apple store

-Well Keebo...

-Started ranting about

-"How underdeveloped"

and how

-"The Programming is messed up"

and that

-"these aren't real electronics"

-mind you he said this about the Newest iPhone LIKE WHA-
-The two of you ended getting kicked out of the apple store...

-The poor boy didn't understand why

-from that day on, he despised apples

-welp Apple users better watch out-

-this was a quite strange hang out...

Overall enjoyment: 7.8/10

🥑 Rantaro Amami 🥑

-You guys kept in touch from the day you got lost in France


-You guys are online besties now

-well luckily, being the Traveler he is,

-He decides to visit your country and you for a couple of weeks!


-The two of you went to picnic

-you noticed Rantaro had gotten a lot of...

-Avocado's 🥑

-it strongly reminded you of his hair

-it was pretty fun

-the two of you talked about your first meeting,
and your endless chat history with eachother...




-I should probably stop making avocado jokes and references...

-overall enjoyment: 🥑/10

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