Chapter 3- 1953 Chevy Pick-up truck and The Cullens

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a/n : IM SO TIRED, I SWEAR. I've had writers block for so long and still currently do. And then I'm getting new ideas and so I'm deleting stuff. This one will be short, sorry.


    The brunette girl in front of me stared into my eyes with a confused expression. She didn't recognize me, but I didn't expect her to. She stopped coming to Forks not long after my mother passed, and that was almost a decade ago.

  "Sorry, do I know you?" She smiled softly, rubbing her shoulder.

  I swallowed loudly, shifting my body weight from side to side, "I'm Jacob Black, we used to hang out when you would visit Forks."

Her eyes widened, most likely remembering me now. Her mouth opened and closed, trying to apologize, I think. It took a few seconds before she spoke again, "I'm so sorry—my brain blocked out Fork memories."

  Just then, Mike spoke, I had forgotten he followed me to Bella, "So you're Bella Swan! It's nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand for Bella to shake, which again took a while.

  "It's nice to meet you too, Er—I better get back to the volleyball game." She smiled.

"Oh yea, like I said before, I'm sorry for hitting you with the ball." I said quickly.

  She shook her head, implying it was okay, and returned to the game.

  As I turned around to continue the volleyball lesson, Mike asked "Has she always been this awkward?", which I gave a snort in response and ignored Mike's comments the rest of PE.


   I sighed, shutting my locker after I finished changing back into my regular clothes from my newly sweaty PE uni-form. The boys locker room was filled with screams and sexist jokes, along with a stench of Axe body spray and sweat.

    I walked out of my locker isle, passing the vaping boys and the ones flexing their muscles, to the area outside the locker rooms. I leaned against the wall, waiting for the final bell to ring, and then was when I saw the Cullens, talking near the doors to a classroom. I didn't really get a good look at them the first time I saw them, I was trying to listen to the dangers of the legends, but my curiosity got the better of me.

  The group consisted of five, three boys and two girls. The shortest girl, Alice, had a  dark brown pixie haircut and wore unique clothing, I could only suppose it was something expensive, the Cullens are rich, and was attached to one of the three boys, Jasper. He was just how Jessica described him, "blonde" and "looks like he's always in pain". He was way taller then Alice, standing over her as if she was just a toddler. His hair was curly, making his features pop.

  The other girl, Rosalie, was a ice blonde and looked as if someone had taken her right out of a magazine. Her eyes were golden, same as her siblings, and her face was defined to show cheekbones. She stood next to Emmett, the buff one. He looked like a professional wrestler, maybe he would spook the Rock. His hair was buzzed so much that he might as well have been bald. He was the tallest of the five.

  The last boy was named Edward. Jessica had the hots for him, she didn't even try to hide it. He was alone and creepy, or from my experience at least. His skin, like the others, was like marble. His face was perfectly angular—high cheekbones, strong jawline, a straight nose, and full lips. I looked up slightly, my eyes now focused on his hair which was messy and a bronze-y color, which suited him.

   I snapped my eyes away as soon as I saw Edward start to look my way. He glared for a second and then turned away, maybe this would keep up as a routine. Either way, I had to stay away from the Cullens, if they were anything like the legends then who knows what would happen to me if I was in contact with one of them.

  I shuddered and waited for the bell to ring, ignoring the Cullens gazes that would happen ever so often. Soon, Bella came out of the girls locker room and I sped over to her, not wasting anymore time standing alone.

  "Bella!" I called as I got closer to her. She turned around, her hair delicately touching her face.

  "Oh, hi. What's up?" She grinned, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

   "Nothing really," I paused, thinking of a reason that I would pull her aside, "Do you need a ride home from school?"

  Bella's dad, Charlie, is chief of police. Bella doesn't own a car yet and getting to and from school in a police car was social suicide. Granted, my rusty, falling apart 1953 Chevy Pick-up truck wasn't much better but at least it didn't have 2 giant sirens on the top.

  Her eyes lighted up with joy, she probably hated the idea of driving in a police car—as I expected, "Yes! Yes I do, actually. Thanks, Jacob."

I shrugged in response and then glanced towards the Cullens again, only Edward was glaring at me this time. The bell rang loud and soon hoards of kids were exiting the classroom doors. I sighed and then started walking towards my truck, keeping an eye on both Bella and the Cullens.

  A/N : I said it would be short, didn't I? Like I said before, sorry for the lack of updates. Until next time, tata.

(Canceled) Dawn (Jacob Black X Edward Cullen)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя