Chapter 2-Strange Pale Boy

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A/N : And thus, another day of rewriting. Even though I'm exhausted, I'm enjoying it. I'll shut up so you can actually read the story now. Thanks ~ Kat.


3rd Person

As soon as the bell rang, the students were shuffling around trying to make their way to their next class. Others sat down still communicating with their peers, not caring about any consequences that may come.

Jacob scrambled to pick up his backpack and lunch tray—unlike others, he actually cared about his education.

Angela stood up, her backpack neatly on her back, "Jake, calm yourself!", She then fixed her shirt, which was awfully wrinkled. "Mike and I will walk you to Biology 2, though I've heard you might not even need to attend."

"Hm? What do you mean?"Jacob asked, he didn't understand what Angela had meant by "not even needing to attend",Biology.

Angela shifted slightly before answering, "This is a small area, people know more about you then you do yourself."

Jacob smiled a bit, his head down, "That doesn't mean I don't have to attend—I may just succeed everyone in the class."

He start walking with Angela and Mike, Mike, who looked terribly bored—would grumble about "The Cullen's new cars", ever so often.

"You're awfully cocky."Angela smirked, continuing the conversation that Jacob had thought they ended.

"Not cocky, that's an ugly word . . I think that I'm rather confident in myself." Jacob replied, straightening his posture while strolling down the hall.

"Thats the exact same thing," She rolled her eyes, "I'd love to see someone pass The Cullen's grades for once. . ."

"What, are they like—Albert Einstein's descendants or something?"

Angela bit her lip, stopping an unattractive laugh from escaping her lips, "That's a . . . strange way of putting it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were. They've never failed a class, test or—even—an assignment."

Jacob found that slightly . . off. Although he liked to think of himself as a genius, even he had failed—at least—one assignment in his whole duration of high school. He shrugged it off and quietly walked into Mr Molina's Biology class.


Angela and Mike had said their quiet goodbyes before departing to their seats in Biology, leaving Jacob to talk to Mr Molina on his own. Jacob had nothing against Mr Molina, he just preferred to not talk to adults. Adult Men, to be more exact. He couldn't trace his "fear" to any certain point in time, Jacob had just assumed it came with living with Billy for his entire life.

As Jacob walked closer towards his teacher, he felt a breeze of a fan behind him. Soon his eyes glanced over to one of The Cullen siblings. Edward Cullen, Jacob hadn't forgotten from Lunch. Something about Edward brought Jacob in, though he would never actually admit that, his life was already complicated and adding a possible "vampire" into it wouldn't make anything easier.

Edward, however, looked as if Jacob had broken the ribs of his pet cat. Jacob ignored it, though he knew soon he wouldn't be able to.

Before Jacob could say a word, Mr Molina had already taken the chance to speak.

"You must be. . Jacob Black—Am I correct?"

Jacob only nodded, too uncomfortable to utter a word. Mr Molina didn't look offended or annoyed but just handed Jacob the Biology textbook—of which Jacob had read 3 or 4 times before.

Mr Molina's eyes observed the classroom of rather quiet children before he settled on an empty seat next to the strange pale boy, Edward Cullen.

Edwards face hadn't changed from before, still stiff and in pain. His hand covering his mouth and nostrils, his pupils dilating slightly ever so often.

Jacob didn't know what Edwards deal was, but he could only assume it was his own fault. His exhale had quivered
imperceptibly while he walked over to the empty seat next to the strange pale boy.

People had given glances to Jacob and the empty seat, as if it was unusual that someone filled up the seat next to the Edward Cullen.

Jacob sat awkwardly in the seat, it making a miserable squeak when he sat. The other students in the room had already moved on—besides Angela who was grinning towards Jacob and gave him a quick thumbs up (Jacob didn't know why, it wasn't as if he pleaded to be sat there) before getting to work.

Jacob had really tried to pay attention to Mr Molina's teaching, but the pale boys glares were difficult to overlook. Neither of the 2 boys had introduced themselves to each other, thus making the situation more awkward to Jacob.

Edwards facial expression didn't change once during the class. Jacob felt very. . . uncomfortable to say the least. Still, something about it made Jacob pleased. He didn't know what it was but proceeded to ignore it.

About 3 seconds before the bell rang for the next period Edward had angrily shoved the seat that he was once sat in out of his way and exited the class. No one had payed attention, Jacob assumed it was a daily thing.

While Jacob was exiting the classroom—his backpack looked as if it would fall apart— Mike had approached him, as if they were old buddies.

"So, did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? I've never seen him act like that."Mike asked chuckling.

So it wasn't a normal thing like Jacob had thought. He thought it had just been a "blood sucker"—of which Jacob still didn't believe was true—thing.

"Does Edward not usually look like someone curb stomped his cat?"Jacob snickered before glancing at his schedule.

Mike smiled, choking back a rather horrid laugh, "Naw, he does. . . just not to any particular person."

"I guess I'm just special." Jacob grinned widely before flipping his hair dramatically.

Mike smiled, his face red and then continued to gym.


After the class had changed into the PE attire, it was decided they would play Volleyball.

Jacob sighed softly, Volleyball was one of the only sports he didn't excel at. He wasn't horrible but he certainly wasn't amazing as he had wished.

The class separated by gender, which meant Jacob was with Mike. Mike had hidden his delight, not very well, and helped Jacob throughout the game.

Once Mike thought Jacob had gotten the hand of it, which Jacob thought as well, he let him strike the ball. However, instead of it being a flawless hit, it flung to the right side of the gym where the girls had been playing.

It struck a brunette girl, who hadn't been playing correctly like Jacob.

Jacob rushed over to the girl who was rubbing the top of her head.

"I-I'm so sorry! It went the complete opposite way I had intended it to—they shouldn't have let me play!"Jacob stammered out as he slowly started to recognize the girl in front of him.


A/N : JESUS, it's finally out. I'm..exhausted from this. I hope you enjoyed so far and thanks for reading this . . . cringy, silly fanfic. ~ Kat

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