Clown C: Dammit! No we gotta clean two bodies up. What were we thinking'!?

Clown D: It doesn't matter. We gotta get these bodies outta here before the cops show.

Clown C: Cops? Thought we owned the cops?

Clown D: Still. It's about the principle.

(As the clowns pondered about the clean up, the stranger's body slowly rose.)

Chuck: Whaaaat?

???: That was rude. I'm trying to file a complaint! Your guys' customer service is balls. You should be fired!

(The stranger took off his hat and pointed it at the clowns. Suddenly, a plume of multicolored flames shot out, burning them all to death, and lighting most of the warehouse on fire)

Chuck: No. No! My witnesses! The evidence!

(Chuck scrambled to his feet and got out his grappling hook. He leapt off the roof and fired it at a nearby building, using the hook to swing over to the warehouse. He landed right outside the warehouse)

Chuck: Nonononono!

(As Chuck ran towards the fire, the mysterious stranger came out, putting out the flames on his sleeve casually)

???: Hey! Don't bother heading in there. Things are getting kind of heated.

(Chuck quickly clotheslined the stranger as he ran past him)

???: Ow!

(Chuck crashed through the doorway and began searching for any signs of life)

Chuck: Come on, come on! One of you idiots has to be alive!

(As Chuck rummaged the bodies, for at least anything he could use, the rainbow fire raged on. It grew more intense and he soon began to have problems seeing clearly. His vision blurred and his lungs screamed in pain. But he wouldn't give up.)

Chuck: Please...something....anything!

(Before he could meet his ultimate fate, a fish hook pierced his trenchcoat and yanked him backwards, out of the fire. As his vision cleared, he was met with the face of the man who ruined all his hard work.)

???: Woah there, Sherlock. I think we should leave the fire fighting to the professionals. Or Dusty from Planes. Whoever shows up first.

Chuck: You!

(Chuck punched his rescuer in the nose as he got up in a fighting stance)

???: Ow! Okay that's twice you've hit me tonight! You get one more freebie then the gloves are off!

Chuck: You idiot! I was stalking that place out and you burnt it into a cinder!

???: Staking out? Oh dude this was a warehouse. Outback is down the street.

Chuck: Not what I meant! Not to mention, you killed four men. FOUR! That's a quadruple homicide!

???: They had it coming. I was trying to make a complaint about one of their clowns and they shot me. Like a lot.

(Detective Chuck had nearly forgotten. This new player was just swiss cheese a minute ago. How is he not dead? He could tell if someone had a vest on and this guy had nothing. And an even stranger thing was the fact that there weren't any bullet holes in him either. What was this guy?)

Chuck: Who are you?

???: Me? Oh I go by many names. There's.....oh no I guess it's just one. Bamboozle-Man. Well at least my business cards will be easy to fill out.

Bamboozle BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now