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Did you know? Haku-Joudai follow their assigned apparitions everywhere...❞

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"And you..." Though the man's voice sounded a little gruff, the green haired boy in the room looked somewhat thankful for it.

"Evening, Eraserhead." Deku smiled, getting his feet back on the floor with hands locked behind his back, the will-o-wisps fluttering around his small frame.

Aizawa took another deep breath, seemingly not prepared to deal with the situation he was now in - even though he managed to keep a professionally calm attitude. Because in all honesty, he never thought he would ever see this ghost boy again - especially here in UA. It felt like a dream he'd gladly wake up from.

"So..." Aizawa finally spoke up, "You're back?"

"As promised." Deku preferred to keep his reply short and simple.

"Where... Where were you...? All these years?" Aizawa asked, avoiding eye contact with the boy. That action might be the result of the unexpected meeting with the boy or the Mokke trying to break the window for a great escape after heisting all of UA's candy.

"Far shore. Had some... Things to deal with." Deku replied with his casual tone and expression, trying his best to either push down his bottled up emotions or the urge to stop the Mokke from their great escape. "How have you been?"

Aizawa sighed but the green head swore he saw the raven haired man's lips twitching to form a smile, "Same as ever. Students making trouble during class. Mic and Midnight making trouble in the staff room. All Might making trouble by attracting the media... Don't you go start making trouble for me too."

"Can't promise that." Deku chuckled.

Aizawa crossed his arms on his chest, "You always say that."

"Never a lie." Deku replied.

"Still..." Aizawa took a few steps closer to the boy - what was the probability that somebody; Mic didn't put something weird in his afternoon coffee and this green head was nothing more than just a hallucination? Aizawa wanted it to be very likely true.

The raven haired man kept his stoic expression as he stopped at a little distance from the boy. He had wanted to try patting the boy on the shoulder to see if he could touch him, if somehow he could confirm this boy wasn't an hallucination - but then again; Deku-san was a ghost that was able to pass through any solid object he wanted to. And Aizawa's hand was no exception.

And as if he read his mind, Deku said, "It's alright, Eraserhead. I'm here. I really am."

"... How so? The dead don't just return from the far shore." Aizawa retorted.

Deku shrugged, "Well... You gotta do what the rumor tells you too~! Students here are saying Deku-san is protecting their school so who am I to let them down?"

Aizawa grunted, "Doesn't that worry you?"

There was a pause. A pause that seemed to have tightened the atmosphere a lot. Deku looked aside, sighing, and replied with a calm yet serious tone, "It's best if you don't think too much into it."

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