Something Strange Happened Last Night

Start from the beginning

"Sounds hot." Niall took another sip of his drink with a nonchalant expression.

"I mean it was. It was really really good. He was- I mean I have never been with anyone as artful. We had really just started fooling around and he was being...such a tease." Harry started to feel warm just thinking about it.

"Keep it in your pants, Styles." Niall snapped him out of it.

"Anyway, I just- I got really frustrated and I bit my lip a little too hard and it started bleeding and he offered to like 'kiss it better' which shouldn't have been as hot as it was but when he kissed me in that moment something happened."

"Oh, no. Don't tell me!" He covered his face.

"No! It's not like that! This feeling came over me. It was like this intoxicating spiritual feeling. It was was euphoric. Every inch of my body felt like it was in this wonderful place. It was unreal. It was like it was...supernatural. And then he got me off and I swore I was in heaven. For a second I wondered if I had actually died. But it wasn't just what he was doing it was like I was breathing in some sort of narcotic lingering in the air."

Niall's face said it all. Skepticism and bewilderment were written in his raised eyebrow and upturned lip. "That sounds really trippy. Are you sure he didn't drug you?"

"I'm positive." Harry could still remember every detail of every second. "I was very...present."

"Maybe it was like in your head. You know you saw all that stuff and it messed with your head." He scrambled to come up with a rational reason for his experience.

"I thought the same thing but I remember his face it was like it was happening to him too. And then he just stopped almost as soon as we started and he took me home."

Niall almost spat out his drink. "He didn't even finish?"

"No." Harry wanted to shrink to the size of a grain of rice. He was so embarrassed about the whole experience.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. That's...I don't know what to make of that, actually." Niall scratched at the stubble on his cheek.

"I need to find him again," Harry announced.

"Huh?" He looked at him like he suggested running away and joining the circus. "You want to find the guy who took you home and then blew you off? What for?!"

"I have to know what happened. I mean it was something. And I...kind of want to feel it again. It was sort of addictive. That high. I've never felt anything like it."


"Zayn." Louis shoved him while he slept soundly in his bed. "Zayn!" Louis shook him more aggressively.

His eyes shot open and he gasped for air. "Jesus, Louis." He called out as he caught sight of Louis.

"I need to talk to you." Louis took the covers off his friend.

He rolled over onto his stomach and buried his face in his pillows. "Who am I talking to? Angry Louis or Grumpy Louis?" His question was muffled by the pillow pressed to his face but Louis could make out his friend's words.

"Slightly-inconvenienced Louis." He crossed his arms and waited for his friend to show his face again.

He remained on his stomach but turned his neck to face him. "Really? What's got you in such a good mood this morning?" Zayn poked fun at his friend because he was the only one who could get away with it.

Louis' eyebrows jumped up as a wicked grin spread over his face. He stared at his friend and put his new theory to the test.

Zayn stared back at him with an irritated expression. He was waiting for him to spill whatever was on his mind so he could get back to the comfort of his pillow.

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