"It's why my mom left me too, took Jellybean with her but left me here with the abusive parent. I'm not valuable or important enough to care about."

That was something that was notably the beginning of Jug's self-loathe. He always brought it up, it never got easier. His mom knowingly left him with his dad, knowing what hands he was being kept in. What else was Jughead supposed to think?

"Listen to me. I don't care about any of them, you shouldn't either. Jug, you wanna know why you're the most important to me? Because you're kind, you're strong willed, you can always make me laugh. No matter what we go through you're always there." I move his falling curl away from his forehead with a smile, "You are loving and put others above yourself no matter what they do. You know exactly what to do when I'm feeling down, you're always there. You're my other half. You always have been since we were kids." I say looking into his eyes so he knows each and every word is from my heart. "So don't think for a second that you aren't important enough to care about. If you weren't here, I wouldn't be either."

His eyes flicker as tears flow down. "I don't know where I'd be without you, Betty Boop."

I intertwine my fingers with his, taking him closer to the medicine cabinet. As I pull out some alcohol wipes and polysporin I say, "Good thing we won't ever find out."

I gently wipe the bruise with the alcohol swab, removing the dried blood from the little cut on his cheekbone. He makes a sound of pain, pulling back out of impulse before letting me continue.

"When will I stop feeling like this, Betts?"

I wish I could give him the answer. I wish the answer was that it was over from here on out. But I couldn't because I didn't know.

"Well.." I say, continuing to swipe, "Hopefully soon. But no matter how long, I'm here, and we'll get there eventually. Together."

He brings his hands to my cheek, caressing it to show affection. "My Betty."

His eyes shift to my lips and mine follow suit to his. The air around us heavy. I inhale deeply, shaking myself out of it. I put my hand over his, smiling. "I- I read the letter. I love it. You're the same for me, Juggie. Everything you said, you're that for me."

I reach down to the counter to get the ointment, taking a pea size amount and rubbing it over the cut with my index finger. There was nothing really we could do about the bruising, that would have to heal on its own.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Loved it." I correct him.

He chuckles.

We stand in comfortable silence as I finish applying the product and cleaning up after myself.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?" I say with worry, hoping dearly that the answer was no.

He lifts his left wrist, where there was a deep purple hand print.

"Threw me to the floor with grip on this."

He lifts his sweatpants gently on his right leg, turning his ankle to reveal 3 small deep, black circles. "Burnt me with the cigarette there."

Again, I break, tearing at the sight. I grab the polysporin back out, going to the floor hastily, pulling the pants up and spreading the ointment on the burns.

"Fuck," I whimper to myself.

He looks down at me as I look up at him through my lashes. "It's okay Betty, I'm okay."

I shake my head, standing up, "No, Jug, it's not okay, nothing about this is okay!" I cry.

He tilts his head to meet my eyes, "Hey," he says, a hand on my shoulder, "I'm okay." he presses.

I throw my arms around him, "Oh, Jug. What can I do?"

He rubs his hand down my hair, "Can you stay with me?"

I pull away from him, shaking my head. "No."

His face falls.

"Neither of us are staying here."

I make my way to the closet in the living room where Jughead kept his clothes.

"Do you have a duffle bag?"

He nods, running to the bedroom his dad stays in coming back with one in hand.

I have already pulled out a handful of his S t-shirts and 3 flannels, stuffing them in the bag once he hands it to me.

"What else?" I ask, handing the bag to him.

He grabs his toothbrush from the bathroom, plopping it in and then taking out 3 pants, one black, one blue, and one khaki. He blushes at me as he grabs a handful of tanks and boxers, earning a giggle from me at how shy he was. He throws a black jean jacket as well and then zips it up.

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause you and your family any trouble Be-"

"Shhh, this isn't up for debate Jug."

He pulls the jean jacket on the couch on and I grab his beanie from the coffee table, putting in on his head with a content smile.

"There we go."

I look back to his eyes to find him smiling at me. I quickly peck his cheek before taking his hand and leading him to the door, "Let's go."

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