Writer's Note

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How I got the short drabble content is actually a tribute for my cousins.

I just learned that my family and I are moving to a different country next year and now, me and my cousins try to spend time with each other more before the big move.

One time, we had a sleep over at theirs and we ended up staying up all night, watching Kill Bill (both of them) and Booksmart. One of them offered to make midnight (more like, mornight) snacks, and she made a runny-egg sandwich. It's basically just a sunnyside-up with the yolk still runny, put in between 2 toasted bread.

After that night, everytime I find myself still awake in the middle of the night, I'd go to the kitchen and make me that goddamn sandwich. It makes me smile and reminisce the memories I had with my cousins.

And I don't know. I made a drabble based on the fact that I have a messed up sleep schedule and semi-weird cravings... and also that I, from deep within my cold, dark heart, want to have someone who'd do that for me one day...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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