Ch:27 Hardcore Girl

Start from the beginning

I grinned gleefully in victory when I saw the ball glide down through the net. Pride instantly flooded me and I burned red from the heat. I found everyone looking at me silently with slight admiration or awe but soon the shocked expressions were replaced by mostly smirks and grins but certain personnel chose to look bitter or disgusted or annoyed.

Four faces stood out the most.

Naomi looked at me with pride and happiness and I grinned back at her as she mouthed 'good job' to me.

Chris looked like he wanted to hug me but was resisting as he smiled at me in admiration. He gave me another thumbs up and a nod while I tried to fight the smile taking up my features.

Luke looked at me in amusement and seemed to be a bit impressed but not surprised. He smirked at me mysteriously and I chose to look away. I didn't really know how to respond besides giving him a small smile as a thanks for having given me a chance to score and he simply nodded as if he'd read my mind.

The fourth and last person was the one that I honestly felt good to look at with some ego.


He was staring at me with his mouth ajar and an ashamed look on his face. He gave me a dirty look but I simply scoffed and smirked in triumph.

"That was really cool." Seth put up his hand up for a high five and I high fived him happily. He grinned at me and Dominic mumbled a comment as well, "You made past our defense.....nice work."

I smiled brightly at him and the slightly shy brunette rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he burned a red.

I received a few more praises for a minute more before Coach blew out his whistle, telling us to get back to the game.

I watched as everyone started getting ready to resume the game and winked at Todd before walking away as well.

"Ah, keep the five bucks to yourself and maybe buy some self-esteem."

He looked away and I got back to the game as he walked past as well. But now he seemed slightly broke.

After the game soon ended, coach called me over and appreciated me for my talent. He said and I quote, "You can really be a good female player if you get some good training. Be sure to join the team. I'll see you in our next class." And then he walked off.

'Didn't you leave the part where he boasted about him being the best trainer you could get, out?'


I guess I understand how one must feel if their reputation is crumpled like Todd just got his which is the reason why I'm walking towards him with a cooled bottle of water in my hand, full to the brim.

When I'm almost there, I hear how he's being insulted and roasted by the other guys.

"Dude, you so got burned!"

"Did you see the look on his face?!"

"Man, she roasted you with both words and actions!"

They laughed it off and continued on unfazed. Everyone except Chris and Luke were participating.

See, this is how a social life comes to an end. People on all sides are inconsiderate about what they say and do. It was also partly my fault for having gone a step too far but he should've also thought before speaking nonsense so he's the one to actually blame.

The least I can do when I have the power to, is to do something good for him because such small instances of insult and roasting and downfall of a social life, image and reputation can end up awfully bad. It can affect the person a lot while the others brush it off as a joke. If I think of myself in that position; if I hadn't scored that one basket, what could've happened to me is beyond my imagination. That's why I'm doing what I'd want someone else to do for me if I was in Todd's shoes right now.

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