Salisu threw the key in the air and caught it with a smile. He got under the wheel and drove out. Adeelah was just lucky.

It's because it's Adeelah, that's why he would give her limitless time to come around and understand him. She had all the time to treat him however she wanted but once she mess up in the most wrongful way ever, she would see him in a different shade with a different comeback.

That's Salisu. Free sprited Salisu, everyone's Salisu but most important, Adeelah's husband, her chauffeur, her husband.


"El-mustapha I am in love!" Mahmoud sighed dreamily. For the first time ever, Mahmoud Kabo wasn't infatuated. He said love and it amazed El-mustapha to the core of infinity. His closest person was in love.

El-mustapha put the cufflinks he was holding and took a comb to brush his hair. He flipped the hair to one side and saw that it wasn't as fine as he wanted it.

Through the mirror, he looked at Mahmoud sitting on one of the sofas available. El-mustapha just joined Mahmoud in the hotel at Kano, yesterday.

"Interesting. Tell me something." El-mustapha inquired, changing the styles of his silky hair. He caught Mahmoud's hooded eyes looking into his via the mirror.

"Before I do that, tell me yours. You've changed your hair style for how many times now?" Mahmoud inquired.

El-mustapha smiled, his eyes becoming smaller.

"I am going to see my Heer." He said, with no hesitation. He's tired of seeing her from a far and he's afraid that someone may have her before him. It's better he make a move and let her know of his existence.

"Lord! It's gonna rain today bro, what? Finally we're going to see Heer. I just can't believe it actually. The girl's name on your customized watch. Ya rabb!"

"Mahmoud, shut up you're making me shy."

"Maami must hear of this!" Suddenly El-mustapha was frowning.

"If I hear something similar to this somewhere, I am gonna cut off your head. And by the way I am going back to London today immediately I am back."

"Sorry your grace. You love moving from here to there. Is it because you've a private jet? I wish it will be seized for a year and I will see how helpless you will be." Mahmoud wished.

"Wicked fellow!" El-mustapha glared at him.

"I saw a girl at the industry. She's applying for industrial training and man I have been hooked since then. I mean you have to see her but she's mine. I am getting her. The receptionist said her name is A..."

"Wait let me answer this call, your grace." El-mustapha didn't listen to the rest as he answered the call. It was a report from the company. Thirty minutes later, he was fully dressed a light blue kaftan. He paired it with his famous Rolex watch and Louis Vuitton shoe.

"When I am back, you tell me the rest of the story. But since she's your babe to keep, find a slot for her in Abuja."

Mahmoud made a face. "But she left nothing. I gave her our complimentary card though."

"She will call hopefuly." El-mustapha said and went out of the room. He didn't have any car with him so he entered Mahmoud's Mercedes E class and began driving slowly.

He didn't even know what to tell her once he's there. How would she even listen to him? He parked by the corner of their gate and stayed there contemplating on whether to enter or not. Following the latter, he drove back to the hotel with a lot of thoughts in his head. He's not ready to face her now. Maybe later. Maybe when she's in Abuja to train in his industry, he would pay her a visit.

El-mustapha sat in the car for more minutes before he walked out. He didn't answer any of Mahmoud's questions. Mahmoud wasn't disturbed because he knew his cousin so well. He might decide not to talk for the whole day and no one would ever force him to. He just wished all was well. Because from the way El-mustapha looked, his mood was ruined.

Mahmoud decided to go out with his car and wished he would miraculously see the girl. He's never been hooked by a girl. But now he's by a mysterious lady.

Her name, Miss Adeelah.

El-mustapha looked as Mahmoud's shadow faded. He sighed. He never thought love could be so demanding of one's sanity, especially his.

The thing was, he just felt hopeless. For a girl like his Heer, he knew there would be a lot of competition. Thinking of that alone, made him feverish. So he packed his important things, he's going back before Mahmoud comes back.


Hidaya received her lost but found friend at her house. They had been chattering and recollecting memories they shared since secondary school when Ameer came out.

"I am going out. Do you need anything?" He asked and walked to the corridor. He had exchanged greetings with Hidaya's friend earlier.

"If you see, tigernut buy it for me." Ameer nodded and walked out. He's going to see Adeelah because he had been calling her but she wasn't picking.

"Your husband is so sweet Hidaya."

Hidaya swooned her head in pride. "You've no idea Aisha, he's just perfect. You see, he doesn't even like talking to girls at all. So I am the only one he loves." Her friend smiled.

"I wish to get someone like him too."

"You will in sha Allah. And don't worry it takes no effort, he will come soon. You see he's the one that swept the house today, he cooked too. And if I wish when he's back I will demand for a massage." Hidaya told her and it wasn't a lie. Ameer had left Hidaya to her antics. He saw no reason of unnecessarily scolding her whilst she didn't even listen to him. And he hated to see a place untidy.

"Awwwn, that's goals girl!" Aisha clapped surprisingly.

"I know right. He's a neat freak that's why he sweeps and cleans the house. See I am just enjoying." Aisha smirked evilly. She had been looking for an easygoing boyfriend to make him her husband but it's so difficult but here was Hidaya playing with her opportunity.

Well, Ameer would be her target. She would try her best, she would get her charm ready, and collect luck from her Malam. She would try her best first before that. If Ameer prove hard to get, she would then handle him spiritually.

On the outside, she smiled. "You're one lucky one Hidaya. May Allah strengthen your bond."

"Ameen." Hidaya answered.


I had no intention of updating today but the comments on last chapter were just🔥🔥 I had to type😂. Keep the votes and comments coming, I love them. Share too!

So you see, it's Mahmoud she met at the industry. Now you still think Salisu is El?😂🤔

Jumuat Kareem lovelies. Don't forget to recite suratul Khaf and send a lot of salawatul nabiy🏵❤.

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