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I stretched out in my bed, kicking off the covers as I reached my hand over and fumbled around my nightstand, trying to silence the loud, annoying song blasting through my room. 'Toxic' by Britney Spears had broken through the peaceful silence of my sleep. It was an alright song, just not at six in the morning. I rubbed one of my fists against my eyes as still, I tried to shut the damn thing off with my other hand.

"Connor, lad, kindly cease that horrid mess of noise, would you?" I heard a very annoyed voice yell from the other room. It was one of my two roommates, Charlie. Charles Theodore Bishop was originally from England, here for college and staying for the summer, hoping to get a green card to stay. He was coming home to Palm Rose Beach with me where we were renting an apartment together.

"Yeah bro, turn that shit off-" Our other roommate, Chris, joined in, groaning. Chris, unlike Charlie, was from the United States, the great state of Michigan in fact as he always loved to remind us. He was going home for two weeks to visit his family before joining Charlie and I at the apartment.

"Need I remind you that you're the one who set this song to be every ringtone, text tone, and alarm on my phone?" I called back, still fumbling blindly around my nightstand to shut off the incessantly ringing voice of Britney Spears. I was hoping to be able to leave my eyes shut for just a few minutes more by snoozing the alarm, but it didn't seem like I was going to manage that if I couldn't find my phone without opening my eyes.

"It was quite funny when your mum called you and your phone went off during lecture last week." Charlie piped in from his room.

"Yeah but it's not funny at six in the morning, shut the damn thing off!" Chris whined from the room across the hall, a loud thumping noise sounding, probably from Chris throwing his pillow at the door. Then there were angry steps, coming toward my room.

I relaxed my fumbling hand, knowing one of the boys had gotten so fed up with Britney that they'd come to turn her off, falling back into a light sleep when I was smacked in the stomach with a pillow. I let out a soft grunt, my eyes shooting open to see Chris standing over me with an evil smile on his face.

"Get up, Wilson." He said with a smirk.

"You're an ass, Lopez, a total ass." I muttered under my breath, throwing off the sheets and slipping out of my bed. I had only wanted to enjoy a few more minutes in this bed that had been home to many late night study sessions, Netflix movie marathons, and drunken slumbers, but that had all been ruined by my jerk of a roommate and Britney Spears.

"You needed to get up anyway, you and Charlie gotta head out in an hour. Me though? I'm going back to sleep, see you in two weeks." Chris told me, yawning slightly before turning to walk out of my room.

"Yeah yeah, love you too." I replied rolling my eyes at him and smacking his butt as he walked away, smirking when he turned back to face me and shoot a glare.

"I'll get you back for that one, Wilson." Chris warned, throwing a glare at me.

"Sure you will," I said offhandedly, with a light grin on my face. We were roommates by chance. Chris and I had met on a university Facebook board about renting an apartment together, knowing we still needed another to fill the third room, and sure enough a week later a tall, lanky British boy showed up in my 8 am lecture, conveniently sitting next to me, and looking for a place to live.

Just because we ended up as roommates as a byproduct of Facebook, lectures, and convenience, didn't mean our relationship halted there. Quickly the two of them had become my best friends, our friendship rivaling that of mine with Brittany, Logan, and George.

And the crazy thing was... I'd known these two for less than a year.

I got up, looking around my room. It was barren and sad looking compared to how it'd looked the week before.

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