"jaxx is just fine. it looks like he got fitted for clothes just like you, and he has all of the essentials that he needs." wyatt announced.

"thank you guys so much. i seriously appreciate it. you guys will probably going to be returning to your old job...whatever that was, soon. i am going to miss you guys, even though i barely even know you." you vocalized to the 2 stormtroopers.

"it was no problem. i like you y/n, hopefully i will see you around some time." peter said to you as wyatt nodded in agreement.

"take care!" with that, you shut the door.

kylo heard the whole conversation you had with them. he could tell that even though you had a hard shell on the outside, in the inside you were soft. in a way, he could relate to you...but he wouldnt ever admit it.

"you are ordering my men around now snake?"

"yes, yes i am. are you jealous or something? i actually kind of understand why you enjoy having power. it feels good. your men are actually pretty easy to get them to listen to you." you smirked to him, rubbing it in. "so, what do you do in your freetime?"

"i dont really have freetime." kylo sighed. that was one of the parts about his position that he hated...not having much freetime.

"really?! well that makes sense i guess. since...you know, you are so powerful and all" you rolled your eyes at your own statement.

"is somebody jealous? awww, little miss handfucker is jealous of me" kylo pouted his lips.

"in your dreams ren. i could never not have any freetime. that could drive me crazy."

"trust me, it does sometimes."

there was a bit of an awkward silence between the 2 of you. you had millions of questions and he had some as well.

"why do you talk so much? like, this is a serious question. it isnt that i dont enjoy it...it is just that you seem to never stop talking!" he questioned you.

"i dont know, i have just always been like that. i love talking, it is fun. i also love being able to speak my mind...even though it gets me in trouble sometimes...it makes me feel as if i am in control for once." you shrugged your shoulders.

"understandable. but, i have to warn you... speaking your mind on this ship is not really ever going to work in your favor. trust me."

"i can definitely see that. everyone on this ship is so like...uptight. do they have a stick up their asses or something?"

kylo looked down to the floor, trying to say that they actually do in fact have a stick in their ass. this made you unsettled for a minute. "im just playing y/n. we arent that evil."

"that evil? what the hell. anyways, i know that we are on a ship, but which ship is it? it must be huge because if all the rooms are this size...then, wow."

"we are on the finalizer. and yes, this ship is very big."

"hm. okay. well, why is everything on this ship either silver,black, or white?"

"i dont know. it has always been like that. dont ask me, ask...actually, i dont know who you would ask that."

something on kylo ren's body started buzzing. he found the source and opened it up. a message then popped up in front of his face.

"i got to go. work stuff. i will see you around possibly. i will get those guards off your butt and i will also get that job arranged for you. i hope that you appreciate-" you cut kylo off by planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

"of course of course! now you go, duty calls!" you winked at him, signaling for him to go.

kylo was still a little dumbfounded as he walked out. did you seriously just kiss his cheek? or was he in a strange type of dream? whatever it was, it left him wanting more. wanting more of your touch. it almost was like he was now craving it- and he didnt like that feeling at all.

seeing him walk out, you started to do yet another happy dance.

"i got a job! i got a job! raise the room, i got a job! woohoo! woohoo! yay! yay! yes! bam! oh yeah!" then you started to think about jaxx, which totally killed the mood. it would be way better celebrating with him than myself. you just would have to suck it up for now.

seeing that your mood was killed, you decided to try and go out to cheer yourself up. you walked out the door and didnt see peter and wyatt. this saddened you a bit, but after all...you were the one who asked for them to leave.

you tried to make your way to the cafeteria, but you got lost. you asked this couple where you could find it, and they happily told you. within a few seconds, you were in front of the big doors.

you walked in and headed straight for the food. food was definitely a way to bring your mood up, especially sugary foods. you picked out a bunch of different fruits and even got a piece of cake. you settled down near the back of the room and started digging in. the food wasnt the best, this morning it tasted way better. maybe it was because you were dying of hunger earlier? whatever it was, it didnt hit like how it hit this morning. you continued to eat, and then dumped your trash. you walked out the door and headed back to your room.

you somehow found your way back, and then in the corner of your eye...you saw jaxx.

"jaxx! hey jaxx!" he completely ignored you and didnt even make the effort to face your direction. you tried to brush it inside and you decided to just go into your room.

"it will be fine. it will be fine. sooner than you know, jaxx will be fine and everything will be fine. it is fine." you repeated to yourself, trying to keep your cool. even though it was still the afternoon, you passed out onto your bed from the stress.

you needed your relationship with jaxx to recover. you needed it more than anything. you knew that you would go to any extent to save it. to save it before it would deteriorate.


authors note

oh damn what is about to go down? more updates coming very very soon!!


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