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"I love the silent hour of night,
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes."
― Anne Brontë,


The afternoon sun bathed the tents in its warm light, a slight cold breeze swirling around. Everyone was on their feet, fulfilling their duties. Elderly men were sitting, soaking in the warmth of the sunlight. Women were busy doing chores.

Wearing a deep red dress with embroidery on it, Gokçe was busy stitching the mitts. She was planning on gifting it to Tugtekin. Satisfied with her work, she put it inside a basket.

'Will give him when he will return from the hunt.'
She thought.

Standing from her seat, she went outside the shop and stood there. When she noticed Aytolün hatun coming her way, she passed a polite smile towards her. In return, Aytolün smiled and patted her cheeks lovingly.

They stood there for a few minutes, looking around and passing small smiles to the women working.

"I'm blessed to have you as my daughter-in-law, Gokçe. Tugtekin is a lucky man and so are you."

"I'm blessed too, to have a loving family." A pink hue covered her cheeks, Gokçe shyly replied.

"I pray for you both all the time. May you have a wonderful life together but it's not going to be always a smooth road. There will be times when you have to stand tall for the tribe, for your man." Listening to Aytolün, she nodded at her.
"As long as you are standing with him, he will always have the courage to fight the enemies."
Looking at Selcan in the corner for a mere second, Aytolün quickly turned her gaze to Gokçe.

A woman walked up to them and asked, "Hanim, I want to show some drapes to our new bride."

Aytolün nodded and signal her to go with her. With a smile on her face, Gokçe went with the woman.

Turning on her heels, Aytolün saw Banu Cicek coming. Upon reaching, she greeted her.

Selcan putting the stamps on the sheet had her eyes on them. They both were talking, greeting each other. After some time, Banu cicek went from there. She was very close to Korkut bey and his first wife, she loved her like her own mother.

'She should know something about their past. Will see about that.'

And with that thought running in her mind, she continues with her work.


Ertugrul and his Alps were settled inside the room for the night. They had a very long day, they were out on their horses searching for land. They did find what they were looking for, ALHUMDULILLAH. However, how can their day end without fighting the enemy? So, they were faced off with the knights and killed a handful of their soldiers.

Dogan was laying on his back, Bamsi and Turgut were fixing their beds and in the corner, Ertugrul was fast asleep.

Bamsi saw Dogan lost in thoughts.

"Look... He is lost again." Bamsi nudged Turgut and pointed towards Dogan.

Turgut looked at him and smiled, "Leave him Bamsi, he is going to eat you up if you tease him."

"kardeş (brother), he is not going to do anything. He should man up and confess but look..", he pulled Turgut face towards Dogan. "So so lost.." pitying him.

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