I smiled. "That's a neat name. It's fucked up like mine. Except I hate mine and like yours," I said before I knew it. I was incredibly uneasy around her and I wasn't sure why. I received a good vibe off her, she was nice, and I for some reason knew I could trust her. Then why am I so uncomfortable as she smiled so sweetly at me? I never saw such an expression - and aimed at me.

She made me nervous; it wasn't her fault though. There was just some issue with me I couldn't identify. Though I wish I hadn't said those words - in that way - she responded with a slight smile, her eyes digging into mine (though I could tell she disapproved of my language). "What is your name?" She asked before I could apologize - which is rare for me to even think about saying sorry.

"I'm Albany," I said. I was surprised that when I said that, that she didn't come to a realization. Most do within a few seconds of looking at me. "I was named after the city," I said, unable to help myself from babbling. When nervous - which was very rare too - it usually results in too much talking or none at all. "Quite the insult that was," I forced my mouth shut, my cheeks going red slightly.

She noticed, of course. She seemed to notice everything but embrace it with open arms. She handed me the rose with a soft and caring smile. "This is for you. Lucas told me a few days ago about everything Clare kept hidden. He said he would take you to meet me soon but I couldn't wait." I smiled upon hearing Jan use her son's full name.

"Oh, do you think he will be mad that you're here?" I asked.

She shrugged and smirked. "I'm his mother. It doesn't matter if he's a little pissed."

I laughed at that before her eyes caught mine. I don't know what the hell my problem was but just how she was looking at me... with kindness and a motherly air around her, I had to advert me eyes. I guess it was just too... unnatural for me.

After my chuckle died, she went off subject on something she couldn't ignore when looking at me. "Well, I'm sorry darling, but I need to say this: you look incredibly familiar."

"Well, I'm Clare's daughter. I do have some of her physical traits, unfortunately," I said, wondering if she would figure it out. She recognized me from TV a long time ago. Everybody did.

"No...." She pursed her lips politely, eyes observing as she faced me. Looking into her light green eyes, I continued to feel uneasy. They were just so... caring. Her eyebrows dipped slightly, trying to figure out where she saw me before. I lightly ran my thumb over one of the rose petals, still unsure what to make of the little gift. I wasn't exactly a flower-liking girl. She would figure that out soon enough I suppose. But the thought was what counted I guess.

"You... You're that girl that went missing a year back," she said with clarity, eyes widening. I was waiting for the expression to expand into disgust or fear. I was looking for it, even hoping for it so it would break her generous presence. But I never saw it, which shocked the shit out of me.

"Bingo," I said lightly. "I'm surprised you're not running out the door right now," I noted.

"Now why would I do such a thing?" She asked, as if scolding me for thinking such a thought! It caught me off guard and I wasn't sure how to respond. I sat there in a frozen state at hearing that slight bit of scolding. Not exactly scolding really; more just a tone that implied what I said to be ridiculous.

"Because I'm insane. I might chop you up into a million pieces or brainwash you," I said, chuckling humorlessly.

I was surprised. She leaned forward slightly, putting a hand on my arm in comfort. I on instinct jerked away. She noticed and her eyes rested on mine again, as if they were pleading for a chance. I honestly don't think I ever saw someone care like that or offer such sympathy. Even with Luke, he offered a different kind of kindness. A friendship. This was different somehow.

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