Chapter 4

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It's been a month since I had last seen Gauri, that evening after she left with her friend, asking me to wait for her. I waited for her the whole night but she never returned. The next morning, I visited the Medical camp and enquired the people about Gauri, only to know that she and her friends left for their home the earlier day. I tried to get details about Gauri but to my disappointment no one knows about her, since she's not one of students or registered volunteers.

With fallen face, I returned back to Mumbai and hired a private investigator but they too failed to find Gauri cause the only things I know about her is her first name and her father's profession. I didn't stop searching for Gauri, she's the first girl in my life after my mom, with whom I felt like home and myself. I don't want to loose her.

"Sir, Here is the file of Harrison's project." Rachel Jackson, my P.A said handing me the new project file.

After losing the Simmons project to Malhotra's at the last minute, we bagged Harrison's project, which is the top most company in it's field, having a greater turn over and fame than Simmons.

"If you lost something that doesn't mean the end of the world, it means something better, is waiting for you." Gauri's words echoed in my mind as soon as my Assistant informed me that Harrison's are ready to sign the contract with Oberoi Industries. Simmons deal was good but Harrison's is best, it will take our company to another new level. And I am glad that it happened.

"Do you need anything else, sir. You look like you are tired." Rachel asked in a seductive voice bending over my desk giving me a glimpse of her heavy breasts.

"Nothing as for now, thank you, Ms. Jackson. I will let you know if I need anything." I said politely asking her to leave my cabin.

She sighed and walked out of my cabin, mumbling incoherent words.

I turned around in my chair looking at the sun setting in the horizon, as the city of Mumbai began to glow up with the bright street lights.

"Hey O." The over enthusiastic voice filled my cabin making me turn around.

"Hello Rudra." I greeted my childhood best friend and the famous model, Rudra Singhania.

"How's your day going?" Rudra asked as he took a seat in front of my table.

"Exhausting." I said taking a sip from the pristine glass of water.

"That I can say by the tired look on your face." Rudra said pulling out a energy bar from his pocket and forwarding it towards me. "Have it, it will help you."

"When is Uncle Tej, coming back to Mumbai?" Rudra asked as I began to munch on the energy bar.

"I had a word with Mishra two days back, he said Dad was having a busy week as he has a meeting scheduled in Germany, this Friday." I said remembering my conversation with Mr. Mishra, my father's loyal assistant, a friendly old man in his mid fifties.

"So, I guess your dad, would be busy making preparations to his meeting in Germany tomorrow, then."

I nodded.

"I hope, he would be back on Sunday for our weekly family time." I said hopefully.

"He never misses the family lunch on Sunday and you know that very well, O. No matter what may come, he would be there." Rudra smiled.

A lunch with family on Sunday's is a tradition my mom started and made sure that everyone would follow. She felt that after being busy and away from the home, all the week and a weekly get together and spending time with family an entire day will strengthen the relationships. It's a tradition we have been following even after my mom left us. Rudra being my best buddy from childhood, is more like a family member and a brother, attends the Sunday lunch most of the times.

"Yes, these days  he was spending more time outdoors, staying away from home, I think the loneliness is taking a toll on him." I expressed my worries.

"I observed that too, he's not the same person, while he was with aunt Jhanvi. He looks lonely and gloomy now a days." Rudra agreed.

"I don't know, what I can do for him to not feel alone."

"How about finding a companion for him?" Rudra suggested.

"What does that mean?" I asked in shock.

"Come on, O. We are living in a modern era, where live in relationships and re-marriages are quite common. Don't you think, we should find your father a companion."

"I don't think, my father will agree to that Rudra, he loves my mom so dearly that giving her place to another woman would be out of question."

"Then the only solution to this problem is for you to get married." Rudra said raising his brows in amusement.

"Not again." I said rolling my eyes.

"It's the best thing, Om. You get married to a nice girl and have kids, your father will have his grand kids and daughter in law to look after him and that may help him cope up with his loneliness."

"Rudra, I can't just get married to someone like that, I want someone, with whom I feel like home, to become my life partner and when I find that person, I will get married." I said as Gauri's face popped up in my mind.

"Okay, O." Rudra said standing up from the chair adjusting his neatly gelled black hair. "I have a photo shoot to attend now, see you at Sunday lunch." He said before grabbing his leather coat and walking out of my cabin.

I was about to dial my father to ask whether he reached Germany safely, when my phone rang with my father's name displaying on the screen.

"Hello Dad, did you—" I asked as soon as I attended the call.

"Omkara." My father called cutting me off, his voice serious, which is quite contradiction to his usually cheerful tone.

"What happened Dad? Anything wrong?" I questioned as I felt a thick tension.

"Omkara, I want you to come home now." My father said.

What was my father doing in Mumbai, when he has a meeting to attend in Germany but his serious tone said that something grave has happened.

I reached home as soon as possible cancelling and postponing all my works to the next day. As I entered into the living room of my home, I found my father sitting in his rocking chair near by the fireplace his head between his hands.

"Dad." I called softly as I approached him.

"Omkara," My dad said standing up from his seat and facing me.

"What happened Dad? You sounded so serious on the call, Mishra said you have a meeting in Germany today; what are you doing here in Mumbai?" I asked frantically feeling that something is terribly wrong with that forlorn look on my father's face and the thick tension in the air.

"Omkara—" My father said with a guilty face, why is he feeling guilty?
"Before I answer all your questions, I want you to meet someone."

"Meet who?" I asked confused looking around as my father made a gesture towards Mrs. Potts, our housekeeper.

"What's happening Dad?" I asked feeling nervous and anxious with every passing minute.

"You asked for me?" A familiar silvery tone asked, making me turn around to face the owner of the voice in a lightening speed that almost hurt my neck.

There stood Gauri, in front of me, in my living room looking beautiful as ever, the girl I had been searching for from past two months. The same Gauri, I had been dreaming about every night, but what was she doing in my home? Why does my father wants me to meet her?

"Omkara, I want you to meet Gauri," My father said breaking my rivalry.

I smiled bright looking at Gauri but the next words from my father shook the ground beneath me.

"Your Sister."

Next update will be published on Monday.

Happy Weekend :)

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