Chapter Twenty Four

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                The Big Ben? You could see it well enough to catch the time.

                The most remarkable thing probably was that One Direction was in my apartment, moving furniture and boxes in for me while I marveled over the view I had from my family room.

                “You’re so close now…” Liam said, and I glanced at him to notice he was looking kind of… nervous? “So, um, does that mean…”

                I grinned and said, “No more break?”

                He matched my grin instantly. “No more break.”

                We were two seconds away from kissing before all the guys started objecting behind us, making us turn around to see all of the guys chuckling, just jokingly making faces at us. They’ve long since realized how we felt about one another, and now they were just trying to keep us from awkwardly make out in front of them; all in a light hearted way, of course.

                “So, what do you say we go out for a congratulatory dinner?”  Niall asked, his mind where it always is – on food.

                Liam shook his head. “We have that press release party, remember lad?”

                Harry groaned, “I hate those.”

                “Want to come?” Liam asked me.

                “No way,” I said; the last time I went, it was all about taking pictures, socializing, and talking to adults.

                “Come on, Mikayla!”

                “Please come?”

                “There will be food there.”

                “We can get you a stylist.”

                “Is that supposed to make me want to go?”

                “Stylists and a lot of dresses? Isn’t that what every girl wants?” Harry questioned, re-thinking his selling point that would make me want to attend.

                I laughed. “No, not really. I’ve had enough of that over touring. I want to get my apartment all set up and ready to live in, remember? And I need to go to the grocery store, the shops, the–”

                “We get it, you’re a busy girl.” Harry mumbled. “I guess that means you’re not in.”

                I smiled, and they helped me get a few more boxes where they needed to be before we were all done moving things in. The furniture was set up for the most part, and now I just needed to unpack what I had and buy some new things for the house. My parents had taken me shopping before I left to get some basic things like kitchen items, a TV, some new lights, and more – all on them.

                So now I needed décor and other stuff that will make this house a home. When the guys left, I sat down at the kitchen table and opened up my laptop, signing into skype so I could discuss with Sadie what I would need for the apartment. Within two minutes, we were face-to-computer screen, talking about the essentials for a house.

                “So you’ll need paintings, light bulbs, condoms for when Liam comes over, candles–”

                I cut her off short by spluttering, “What? Sadie, shut up!”

                She smirked at me. “What? You two are serious and I just want to make sure there are no little Mikayla’s running around while you’re still in college!”

                “Little Mikayla’s?!” I groaned. “You’re ridiculous.”

                “Well hey I just thought–”

                “Okay, we’re done with this conversation. I need paintings, light bulbs, candles–”


                I groaned, throwing my face into my hands. “Sadie!”

                She just started laughing, and I glared at her until I heard someone in the background yell “SHHHHH!” at her; and promptly watched her twist around and give said person the finger. My eyes widened as I noticed she was in the school library on campus and I became embarrassed for her. She was talking about sex in a library with a bunch of other students!

                But then again, my best friend is a little crazy.


                “You and your boyfriend are perfect together!” Some girl gushed as I was at the store, cart full of essential household items.

                I smiled gratefully at her. “Thank you!”

                “No, but really, you’re so gorgeous. And so is Liam. Did you know everyone in the fandom likes you more than Danielle? We were routing for you during the tour, girl!”

                I stopped.


                “Everyone could so obviously see how cute you and Liam looked together on stage!”

                I almost started to laugh once I got it. Every directioner out there was hoping that Liam and I would get together, even in the early stages of the tour, because we looked great together. People who didn’t even know me! They had been witnessing the whole drama between Danielle, Liam, and I before it even began.

                “You guys are smart,” I told her, amending her with a laugh. “But thank you, really. I’m happy to know not every fan wants to kill me for dating Liam.”

                We had taken a photo together earlier, so as I approached the check out, it was time to say goodbye. I honestly told her that she just made my day with this newfound information, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fan so excited. Her name was Rachel, and I’m pretty sure she’ll be one of the top five fans I won’t forget.

                As I was walking out of the store with multiple bags weighing my arms down, my phone started buzzing, but it stopped short and a noise emitted from my phone to tell me it was dead. It was dark out and the parking lot was almost empty, except for a dozen or less stray cars in the parking lot. It was suddenly eerily silent as I picked up the pace to my car.

                When I finally reached it, I let out a breath, wondering why I was so paranoid. Loading the bags into my car, I slipped into the drivers’ seat and started to drive back to my apartment. Five minutes into the drive, my headlights turned onto a different street and  I heard yelling, even through my closed window. My eyes widened as I slowed down to see a gang of people fighting.

                In the middle of them, was a guy with a gun… staring right at me.


this is l8 sorry i've been reALLY BUSY lately!

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