Permanent Retirement

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At a gas station somewhere in the desert, the Rust Bucket is parked as Max is at an ATM taking out some cash while the kids are inside the convenience store getting Ice cream.

Then, a pick-up truck pulls up and a thug walks up behind Max as he uses the ATM.

Thug: Out of the way, Grandpa. I've got a major withdrawal to make.

He violently tosses Max out of the way and at the feet of another thug.

Inside the convenience store, the kids look over the selection of ice cream.

Gwen: What do you have that's non-fat, less than 3% sugar?

Clerk: Napkins. (Turns to Ben and Ryan) What about you two?

As Ryan was about to make his selection, the friends notice one of the thugs hooking up a chain from the truck to the ATM, planning to drive away with it.

Ryan: (Turns to Ben) Go for it, man.

Ben: Thanks, dude. (Turns to clerk) I'm about to go rocky road.

He then runs out of the store and dials in on his watch.

Ryan: I'll have a vanilla with sprinkles.


The first thug hooks up the chain to the ATM before turning to the other thug.

Thug: Hit it.

The other thug gives a thumbs-up and tries to start the truck, only for it to not go anywhere after hitting the gas pedal.

Then, right before his very eyes, the steering wheel dissolves and the entire front of the truck becomes one of Ben's alien transformations known as Upgrade.

Upgrade: Your cash request has been denied!

Outside, Upgrade has taken over the entire truck, it becomes the same black and green as him as the thug is tossed out of the car and Upgrade de-merges with the truck as he looks to the other thug, who tosses the hook and chain at him like a mace, only for Upgrade to wrap it around his arm and then yank him right right into a power-line, nearly unconscious.

As he tries to get up, Max prevents him from doing so by putting his foot on his chest.

Max: Where do you think you're going?

He looks at Upgrade as Gwen and Ryan walk out of the convenience store, enjoying their ice cream.

Upgrade: Oh yeah! I'm ready for anything! Bring it on!

Ryan: Where to next, Max?

Max: We're heading off to see Ben and Gwen's Aunt Vera for the weekend.

A horrified look appears on Upgrade's face.

Upgrade: Aw, boring old Aunt Vera? No...!

30 minutes later:

The Rust Bucket drives through the desert with no scenery as Ben slumps on the table in disappointment.

Gwen: Wow; when Aunt Vera said she wanted to move away from it all, she really meant it.

Ryan: Yeah, she must live far away from the nearest major city in this state.

Ben: Oh, man. This summer was supposed to be about F-U-N. It hanging out at some old lady's house.

Gwen: I like Aunt Vera, dweeb.

Ben: (Rolls his eyes) Duh doofus, that's because you act like you're 100 years old.

Ryan: (Sighs in annoyance) Could the both of you not argue for like an hour or something?

Ben 10/Superman: OG SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now