Washington B.C.

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An apartment building is on fire and smoke rages from the building as the structure slowly burns and falls apart. Outside the building, firefighters attempt to hose down the building with water hoses that sprayed large amounts of water at the building to stop the fire from spreading and getting worse. A large crowd had gathered outside the building watching in shock with the police struggling to keep them back while medics were treating the injured on the side healing burn wounds.

Officer: Step back folks, nothing to see here.

A man pushes through the crowd.

Man: Please do something! My wife and son are trapped in there.

Officer: (Calmly) Sir, I need you to step back and allow us...

As the police officers, firemen, and medics try to handle and contain the situation, no one notices Heatblast sneak into the burning building. Inside the burning building, a young boy and his mother are trapped as the fire got worse. As they try to leave the apartment, the fire blocks the door and more debris falls around then above them the ceiling was about to collapse as the mother and son hug each other in fear.

But they were confused as to why the ceiling didn't collapse on them and opened their eyes.

Boy; Who are you?

Heatblast: (holds the debris above him) I'm here to help.

Throws the debris to the side of the apartment and absorbs the flames as the heat of the fire became reduced and the room was now clear of major flames. Heatblast looks at the mother and son and signals for them to follow him. He leads them into the hallway.

Heatblast: This way. (The staircase collapses) On second thought, that way.

He sees a window with bars over it and smirks as he raises his hands before he fires a heat ray that shatters the window into pieces and damages the wall by making a hole.

Heatblast: (Turns to the mother and son) Do you two trust me? I need you to trust me while I get us out of here.

The mother and son look at each other and then at Heatblast.

Mother: I trust you.

Heatblast smiles before he gently grabs hold of the 2 as the mother holds onto her child tightly as flames surround Heatblast.

A large fire tornado forms around the 3 as Heatblast manipulates the tornado out of the building before it lands on the ground moments later.


The crowd outside watches as the fire tornado lands on the ground as the fire tornado disappears as Heatblast lets go of the mother and son as they were alive and unhurt as the crowd watches before the husband notices his family is safe.

Boy: Dad!

The police officers allow the family to reunite.

Heatblast: I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, but really it's all in a day's work for- no way! A gold sumo slammer card! Where'd you get it? I've been searching all over for that!

Boy: It was a prize inside a box sumo smack cereal.

A horn honks calling for Heatblast from the Rust Bucket.

Gwen: Yo, super doofus. The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. The bad guys are getting away.

Heatblast: Uh, I knew that.

A few minutes later:

A car speeds by an intersection with no regard for safety for the people that were crossing. As the Rust Bucket drives after the getaway car, a hot smell covers the Rust Bucket as Max smells a burning seat cover before he notices the smell coming from Heatblast.

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