Chapter 18 - The Big Day

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It was finally here, The big day six months after they had gotten engaged it was the wedding of Y/N L/N and Natasha Romanoff.

They were getting married in a secluded lakeside location during the Spring with the Avengers and their plus ones invited. The pair were getting ready in their own rooms in a large cabin that was on the lakeside.

Natasha was in her bath robe sitting in front of a mirror with Pepper doing her hair and make up

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Natasha was in her bath robe sitting in front of a mirror with Pepper doing her hair and make up. Pepper was wearing an off the shoulder yellow dress.

Natasha: I don't want to go too overboard with the make up, I know Y/N thinks I look better without it.

Pepper: He's right but don't worry I've got it handled.

Carol and Wanda had just come out of another room after getting into their dresses. Carol was wearing a sleeveless red ankle length dress whilst Wanda was wearing a royal blue ankle length dress. The three women were Natasha's bridesmaids.

Wanda: How are you feeling Nat?

Natasha: I've been in more life or death situations than I care to remember yet this is the most scared I've ever felt in my life.

Carol: Don't be scared Nat, once Y/N sees you in your dress, you'll regain all your composure.

Natasha couldn't believe that this day had come, in fact she never thought she'd ever be in love let alone be getting married. She thought she'd be dead before this day ever came to light but she was incredibly thankful that she had found Y/N.

Pepper: Alright I think I'm just about done. What do you think?

Natasha's hair was curled to shoulder length and she had minimal makeup but just enough to accentuate her facial features, she had on some light lipstick to add a little bit more pink colour to her lips.

Natasha: Thanks Pep, it's great.

Pepper: No problem sweetie. Now come on we've got to get you in your dress.

Pepper gave Natasha a peck on her forehead as the redhead's bridesmaids got her dress ready.

Natasha held her stomach as she got a warm feeling something she had constantly kept getting over the last three weeks or so, she thought it was nerves and excitement about marrying Y/N, it's not like it could be anything else.

Meanwhile Y/N was in his room getting his suit on. He decided to go with a grey three piece suit along with black dress shoes.

He came out to all the other male Avengers waiting for him. They were all having a small drink except for Peter who had a coke.

Y/N: How do I look?

He questioned with arms out wide.

Pietro: You look great my friend.

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