Chapter 8- Jake's POV

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 I tried to call and call Grace with no answer. My mums condition was getting worse and it turned out I needed to leave sooner than I thought, like tonight. I decided to just go to her apartment and wait, wherever she was. I knew things were moving fast for us but I just couldn't get her off my mind. she was so different than the other women I've been with or dated. She was pure and real. I couldn't risk losing her. Once I arrived at her apartment the door was locked and nobody answered. Where could she have gone this late. Chill Jake, it's not like she's your girlfriend. 

Just then she came out of the elevator looking so elegant in a long spaghetti strapped dress, that hit her hips just right. I tried to get my mind off ripping the thing off of her and that's when I saw her eyes. Puffy and red like she had cried the whole way here. "Grace, what's wrong?" I stood up from the floor as she walked towards me with confusion on her face. "What are you doing here? I'm sorry but I have an early morning you should go." She tried to push past me but I gently grabbed her arm. "Hey, look at me." I grabbed both of her beautifully, red cheeks in my palms and waited for her to make eye contact with me. I've noticed that's not her strong suit, its like she's never been taken seriously or had a man really look into her soul. 

"Jake it's fine, I'm fine." Just then, tears started rolling down her cheeks even more. It's like as soon as she saw me she felt safe, felt at home and she could just let go. I wasn't happy she was crying but I was happy she allowed herself to feel that way around me. I grabbed her by the waist and led her inside. I sat her down on the sofa and grabbed some water. She calmed down enough to be able to tell me what happened. "it was awful, my own father disowned me because I want to pursue my dreams. Can you believe that? this man raised me, he claims to be a man of God and he shunned me just like in Bible." I couldn't say I knew what she meant but I stayed quite while she spoke. 

The amazing thing to me is how differently we grew up. She was raised in a home with both parents, Christian and never touched a drop of alcohol. My dad left me and my mum when I was 8 and never looked back. My mum couldn't cope, so she would do drugs in the living room with her friends while getting wasted until dawn. I was always left to fend for myself. When I turned 16 I started getting in trouble at school just to get her to notice me. Really I liked the way it felt when my fist connected with some poor blokes face. It made me feel alive. She kicked me out when I was 18 and said she couldn't handle me any longer. That's when I started singing and writing music just to make a buck. I moved to America as soon as I could afford a plane ticket.

Grace laid her head on my shoulder and sniffled. "I'm sorry, I've been totally only talking about myself. Why did you say you were here?" Here goes nothing. "Grace, love. It turns out my mothers condition has worsened. I have to be on the first plane to Australia...tonight." Her eyes grew big and I swore she was going to start crying again. She sat up and wiped the tears from her perfect face. "Oh, wow. I'm so sorry Jake. Of course you have to go. Can I give you a lift to the airport at least?" How perfect can one being be? and so understanding. I swear I could not let this woman go. Who am I? The old Jake wouldn't give two shits about some women he had just met a month ago, but she did something to me. She made me want to be better, to do better.

I kissed her ever so passionately. I know she didn't want me to do so but I couldn't help myself. I could feel myself slowly losing her if I went and I couldn't handle it. This time our kissing was different. It's like she gave all of herself to me completely and didn't shut me out. Before I knew it I was on top of her with my hands tangled in her long blonde hair. She was caressing my back with her fingers and it was driving me wild. "Grace, I want you. No, I need you. I can't lose you. I know we haven't known each other for that long but now that I've met you, I can't do life without you." She looked up at me passionately and ran her index finger along the outline of my lips. "Jake, I feel the same way. I don't want you to leave me but I understand why you have to. Could this ever work with you so far away?"

It had to right? it had to work. There was no other option. Of course in the back of my mind I had this crazy notion to ask her to come with me. I know she never would agree but I had to try, right? "Grace, come with me. I know it sounds crazy but we could get so much work done with your music and it's easy to FaceTime the label and show then what we have and they've already agreed to sign you, so they can't just drop you." I was babbling and I could tell. Her eyes got really wide and she started smiling. "Wait, the label said yes?? Oh my gosh I'm a signed artist? Wow, I'm in shock!" She sat there for minute processing what I just said and I thought she had forgotten my question in the beginning.

"Jake, I want nothing more than to be with you in Australia and write music with you. But the reality is, we do barely know each other and I think I need more time for just me right now to focus. I hope that doesn't come out shallow or harsh but I also want you to have time with you mom alone as well. It's important that you are there with her. Then maybe in a couple months or so if you're not back we can talk about me coming there. Yeah?" even though I felt like my world was crushed I knew she was right. 

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