Chapter 14

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I mostly sobbed on my way back to my apartment but I didn't let myself full blown ugly cry. Mostly because I knew Adam was waiting for me. I don't know why I let Jake in my head like that. Of course I miss him and seeing him just brought back a wave of emotions I had tucked away. On one hand, he did make me question my relationship with Adam. What would a guy like him be doing with a girl like me unless it was some sort of sick bet or fetish for virgin girls. No, don't go there. I gave myself a mental pep talk before opening the door, I didn't want Adam to think something was wrong. As soon as I opened the door, Adam was sitting on my couch working on his laptop. Gosh, he was so sexy. And he was mine, that made me feel even more insecure. Why would he choose me? My idiot hind end had to ask.

"Hey babe, how did it go?" He sat the laptop down and patted for me to sit on his lap. I hesitated only because every time we touch I feel electricity running through my body. I sat anyway and laid my head on his chest. I couldn't stop it, the flood gates were open. I was sobbing, no ugly crying uncontrollably. He lifted my head up to look at him and wiped away a single tear. I could see the worry in his eyes and it only made me want to cry more. "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to cry I just can't help it. I'm so overwhelmed right now. I've never even had one guy pining for my attention and now I have two. Jake of course tried to win me back and tell me all the wrong things with you, that you're playing me just to take my virginity and then you will leave. I know that's crazy and what I'm about to ask is even crazier but I have to know. Why are you with me Adam? I'm the complete opposite of someone you should be with yet here you are. I know I shouldn't let Jake into my head but I can't help feeling insecure about us. I know that isn't sexy and that's not usually who I am, but I have to know."

He wiped my tears again and kissed my forehead. I'm a complete mess, I really don't deserve him. "The guy Jake is referring to is the guy I was several years ago. When I first moved here, I was wild. Hungry for any kind of attention but didn't want to lock anything serious down. I was young and dumb. I was that guy once but I no longer know him. I want to be with you Grace not because I want to take your virginity. Although that would be the highest honor, it's not why I'm with you. You are the most unique woman I've ever met. You're confident, cute as hell, sexy when you aren't even trying. You're kind and you care so much and that makes me want to be an even better person. Honestly, I wonder a lot why you are with me. I'm the complete opposite and I sometimes bury myself in work because I don't want to face reality. When I'm with you though, I want to shut off everything and just drink in every ounce of you. I'm falling crazy in love with you Grace and I don't care to hide it. Please don't hide your feelings with me and please don't let Jake into your head. Like I told you, he's just trying to win you back any way he can."

I was speechless, I stared into his ocean eyes for what felt like forever. I was overwhelmed but in a good way. Every part of my body started tingling as he rubbed my leg and caressed my face. I don't even know what happened next but I was straddling him and taking his shirt off. He gently lifted my shirt and tugged at my waistband. That only made the pressure rise more. Next thing I knew he was on top of me pulling my pants down. Wow, this was really happening. He was being so careful with me but I knew he wanted to be rough. He wanted to show me how deeply he felt about me. I stopped him for a moment and stared into his eyes, hungry eyes. "I'm sorry, we can stop. I've taken it too far already." 

He started to get up but something inside of me just couldn't say no anymore. No matter how I felt in my head right now, my heart and my body wanted this. I pulled him back down on top of me and he gave me a surprised look. "I started this remember. I don't want to stop Adam. I want you, all of you now." I guess those were the words he needed to hear to really give me all of him. He roughly pulled my underwear down and kissed all the way up my leg. Goosebumps filled my body as the pressure became so intense. I had never felt this way or known what this felt like. All I know is I didn't want it to stop. He came back up to kiss me and ripped my bra off. Wow, this was really happening. I freaked out a little inside but couldn't stop now. This is exactly where I wanted to be right now. Then he reached for a condom and slowly rolled it on. I couldn't help but stare at his..package? I don't even know sex lingo but that seemed appropriate. it was huge and I was scared a little. This was going to hurt wasn't it?

"Are you sure you want this? I don't want you to feel pressured by all that I said. I'm more than happy to wait." I shook my head yes and gripped onto his back. He whisked me up and carried me to the bed. He gently laid me down and stared deep into my eyes. "I've been dreaming of making love to you since I met you." He cupped my face and kissed me passionately. Now I don't kiss and tell so unfortunately, you do not get to know what happened next. All I can tell you is yes it hurt and yes it was amazing. The connection we had was undeniable, even though I had never done anything like that in my life. We cuddled for the next hour and must've fallen asleep. 

"Hey sleepy head, wake up." I rolled over and noticed it was dark outside. Adam was sitting on the edge of the bed in nothing but his underwear eating a bowl of cereal. "Where did that come from?" I looked at him puzzled but he was also dangerously sexy holding that bowl of cereal. "Well, sleeping beauty. While you were sleeping, I ordered some groceries and had them delivered. I don't see how you've been surviving here on Body Armour drinks and Ramen but I came to the rescue." We both laughed and I sat up to stretch. Wow, my lady bits were on fire. Adam must've noticed because he made hard eye contact with me. 

"Hey, you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?" I loved how much he cared about me. And yes I was in pain but I figured that much. I still more than enjoyed what we did. Something I couldn't explain though was the way I felt. I felt different, like more mature maybe? More of a woman, sexy I guess. "Um, no I'm fine. I'm great actually. Yes, a little sore but it was amazing. More than anything I could've dreamed of." I blushed because I sounded like a little school girl. Sometimes I didn't know how to act around Adam. It's not that he made me feel that way, I made me feel that way. I was hopeless around him. "Hey, you want me to fix you a real dinner?" He raised his eyebrows and moved off the bed. As if being heroic, he swept me off the bed and carried me to a barstool. "I don't want you to move from this spot. I'm going to make you the best chicken parm you've ever had." He kissed his fingers like an Italian chef and moved to the fridge. I giggled and watched him in admiration. 

See Grace, nothing has changed between us. You are totally overreacting. 

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